You Have Been Found (Evan Hansen X Reader)

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Evan Hansen X Reader

Sad, Fluff

TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal thoughts mentioned, Suicide attempt mentioned (both are Evan not Reader), Sad Evan, Anxiety mentioned, Panic/Anxiety attack happens, Musical crossovers, Hamilton references, Jared being a jerk mentioned, Destruction of public building

CUTENESS WARNING: Happy Evan, Excited Evan

Y/N: Your Name
Y/U/N: Your Username
T/N: Town Name
S/N: State Name
F/C: Favorite Color
S/F/C: Second Favorite Color
H/L: Hair Length
H/C: Hair Color

Your POV

I was scrolling through my Twitter feed, when I was recommended a tweet from a user called TreesAreLife. The tweet said "I am not special. No one will ever care about me. No one will notice when I disappear. No one will be there to hear me hit the ground."; I go to his previous tweets. More about him considering disappearing. His most recent one was the one I had just seen. I private messaged him. "You are special, you are amazing, people appreciate you. I'm not a therapist or anything, but if you need someone to listen, just message me. I'm always here."; A few minutes later, I was messaged. "Thank you. My name is Evan Hansen. Would you really listen?" it said. We began talking.

Y/U/N: Hi Evan Hansen. I am Y/N L/N. Yes, I'm always here to listen if you need it.

TreesForLife: I don't think anyone cares about me. What do you think?
Y/U/N: Do you have parents? Sorry if its a touchy subject for you

TreesForLife: My dad left when I was a kid, so all I have is my mom. I'm also an only child, so no help there

Y/U/N: Well, how does your mom act? Is she kind or is she abusive? Is she supportive or overbearing? Does she work a lot? How often does she say she proud of you or that she loves you?

TreesForLife: She's sweet, supportive, and caring. She works most of the time though. She tells me multiple times a day that she's proud of me and she loves me. It's not my mom that is the problem. It's me. I can't convince myself I'm worth anything.

Y/U/N: No one deserves to disappear. Here's a tip. I also have problems with self-worth, so to keep myself calmer, I just replay the line from a musical song in my head that says "Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now". It works for me, it might work for you.

TreesForLife: Can I tell you something?

Y/U/N: Sure

TreesForLife: I have anxiety. Severe anxiety. That's why I have trouble telling people IRL about my problems, even my therapist.

Y/U/N: I've been trying to work through my anxiety too. It's not that severe, but it really is pretty hindering.

TreesForLife: Can we exchange phone numbers? I need to be able to reach you without Twitter

Y/U/N: Depends how old you are

TreesForLife: I'm a teenager

Y/U/N: Same ok here's my number (number)

TreesForLife: Here's mine (number)

Y/U/N: Don't disappear, Evan Hansen. Your mom cares about you, and I'm here to listen.

We started talking more over text throughout the day.


Your POV

He didn't want to call me because he was worried about getting anxious talking to me and hearing my voice. I got a text.

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