The Bodyswap (Michael Mell X Jeremy's Sister! Reader)

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Michael Mell X Reader

Sad, Fluff

TRIGGER WARNING: Reader picking on Michael, Sad Michael, Mention of anxiety/panic attack, Lonely reader

CUTENESS WARNING: Happy Michael, Smol Michael, Snuggling with Michael (Cutely, not weirdly you freaks)

Your POV

I wake up to an alarm clock. I groan with annoyance. 

"Jer... Shut off your alarm..." I say. No response. 

I open my eyes. It's an alarm next to my bed? Stupid lazy brother. He probably didn't want to wake me up today. I run my hands through my hair. Oddly, it's straight, not tangled, and it's short!? 

"Jeremy, did you cut my hair while I was asleep!? I swear, if this was you and your weird friend, you're dead!" I yell. No response. 

Also, my voice sounds a little off today. It's probably allergies or a bad case of morning voice. I look at my hands, and they're a little tanner than usual. Well, I was in the sun yesterday. I shut off the alarm, and I head to the bathroom to look at the damage of my new haircut. I look in the mirror, and I'm shocked. I look just like my brother's annoying friend! and I'm a guy! What do I do!? I can't tell Jeremy about this, he wouldn't believe me, and I have school in an hour! Well, at least he sleeps in the clothes he wears to school. Convenient. I try to remember what he usually does and wears. Okay, I need his headphones and mp3, and I have to eat sushi and slushies together... Well then, this day is going to be torture. I'm going to give it a chance, but I'm seriously freaked out.

Michael's POV

I was woken up by Jeremy. I guess I fell asleep last night playing video games with him. but this is his house.. This is weird. 

"Alright, time to get up, sis." he says. Oh, right. he's probably waking up his sister too. 

"Y/N, get up." he says, annoyed. He shoves me towards the wall though. 

I climb down from Y/N's bunk and I have an itch on my neck. I scratch it, Jeremy leaves to get ready and I feel hair behind my neck. Did Jer put extensions in my hair as a prank? I go to the wall mirror in the room and I'm his sister!? How is this happening!? I have to act like I'm her... That means I can't do anything I enjoy today.. I frown sadly and then act peppy again. I attempt to pull her- well, my hair back into a ponytail, but it gets all stuck in the hairtie. How does she do this everyday? 

"Jeremy, can you pull my hair back?" I call. 

He groans and comes in the room. He untangles my hair from the tie and pulls it into a perfect ponytail. How does he fix that so perfectly? I'm lucky she sleeps in her school clothes to be a step ahead. I wonder if she's stuck in my body then. Is it random or is she living as me? I have so many questions that can't be answered. I grab her backpack and Jeremy and I walk to school.

Your POV

I look at the time. I'm almost late! Actually, that's normal. Since when is his buddy not late? I just wish I knew this loser's name so I wouldn't be in the dark. Oh my Irene what if someone calls on me? Wait, Jeremy shares most classes and time with him, so I can just hope he'll call 'my' name, otherwise I'm doomed. I grab his backpack and put the hood of his red hoodie over my head. I casually walk to school, bouncing along to a non-existent song I'm acting like I'm listening to. I don't know how to work an mp3 player, so I have to just put on his headphones and act like I'm listening to something catchy. I've seen him grooving to music so often I'm used to seeing his usual rhythm. At least I'm good at remembering what he does.

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