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In case of the horrible tragedy that you haven't seen Death Proof (which I'd highly recommend you do) I added a link to the scene that commences after stuntman mike recites the famous poem.

Enjoy rabbits~


Once, the workday ended you drove home sighing in relief. It was only around 5 pm. The day was long even though you got off early. Your thoughts drifted to Evan's invitation. Maybe you could make it.

Even if shit started to go downhill, you had a car you were an adult. If you get uncomfortable you could always just leave... Fuck it why not, you thought glancing through your closet.

You grab a navy blue sweater with thin black strips and a pair of comfy black leggings. Your amethyst pendulum hung from your neck along with a false bullet. It held some small dried flowers and bit of Elliot's ashes.

The thing never left your side. Nore would you ever let it. Finally, you slide on you black Doc Martins tying the laces loosely.


The car ride was quite peaceful. To your suprize you actually really enjoyed it. However, as your car pulled up the lacation sent by Evan the day before, the pleasant feeling seemed to fade and a nauseousness churned in you stomach.

Why where you so nervous? Maybe it was due to how badly you wanted this to work out. You didn't exactly have a lot of friends right now and maybe if this went well that would change.

You pulled your keys from the ignition and pulled your wallet from your backpack. You took one last deep breath, before handing your ID to the bouncer in the front. Damn, that fucker looked pissed.

He uttered a simple, "Have a nice night.",and you wandered past. You spotted an empty seat at the bar. Score! you thought as you parked your self, and looked all around.

You saw the band setting up, and smiled. Hmm, Alex really didn't look like the type to make a sock puppet and pretend it's his dead dog. Wow, that was dark, you thought.

"What are you drinking hun?", askes an extreeemmmeeellly hot bartender. Who you couldn't help, but look her up and down. With a tiny smirk you say "can I get a rum and coke," she clearly noticed your little glance and smirked, " coming up love~"

Okay, get back on track. You tell your self as you glimpse around once again. Your stomach was doing summer salts when you finally laid your eyes on him. Hey spotted you seemingly at the same time. He smiles, and waves. You return the gesture, but your heart was beating like crazy.

He starts to make his way over to you where you sat, and you notice the death proof shirt.

Haha, now you got this."What's up stranger, You made it!" he says sounding excited. You chuckle "Indeed I did butterfly," you say in a teasing tone. " did you just say what I think you said?" he says with a knowing smirk.

"The woods are lovely and dark and deep

But I have promises to keep

and miles to go before I sleep

Did you hear me butterfly

miles to go before you sleep~" the poem coast off your lips with ease

You both burst into laughter. " If you're asking for a lap dance I'm warning you now I'm a shitty dancer."

______________( I know what your thinking rabbits, There's no way in hell I'm gonna bust a meme load like that now maybe as a bonus chapter. But can I ask for everyone to stop for a moment and imagine Evan giving the lap dance from death proof BOY isn't that a fucking image. You're welcome~)________________________________________________

Your face heats up a bit at the hilarity of that image, " Yeah, right you wish" you say teasingly. "So when does the music start?", he glances at Alex setting up. " I'm guessing like 5 minutes," he says taking a sip of his beer.

"Here you are doll~", she says before giving you a little flirtation wink. Your face gets hot, and you smile back. Evan gives you a curious smirk,"Oh, wow getting numbers before I even make it over her huh?". His tone was teasing but still sounded a bit disappointed?

You fold up the napkin and tuck it in your pocket, "Fuck I guess so man that's a first." you say still a bit flushed.

The music begins. Red Hot chili peppers. Fuck yes. "So ah you into chicks?" he asks curiously. You chuckle a bit, " Why not both?" He seemed to perk up a bit, "Oh, that's cool man"

"What about you?" You say humming to the song and taking a long sip. Praise the weekend you thought happily.

"Oh, who me? Why I'm just your regular ladies man." he jokes, and you laugh.


The night seemed to go pretty well. You both hummed along to the music, and you couldn't help but dance after a few shots. You'd asked where everyone was, and he told you Vinny was sick in bed. Bummer you thought.

It ended around 11:40, but there was no way in hell you were driving home guess you didn't think that one threw.

But, hey it wasn't the first time you'd slept in your car. However, Evan wasn't having it.

"You can just crash on my couch come on. There no way in hell you're driving anywhere" he says sounding a bit concerned even though he seemed to be in the same state as you.

"Nah, man I don't wanna trouble yah," you say stumbling a bit. "Nonsense come on you can take the couch"  Boy was this a shit idea going to stay the night at someones you just met.

"Fine but if you murder me I'm gonna come back, and haunt your ass." you joke not really caring what happens to you. " Alright, I can be held to that, but  ah how are we getting home."

You ended up having Evan drive given he seemed a little more on the sober side. WRONG very WRONG Either that or he was just an awful driver.

You both made it home in one piece and you passed out on his couch. Damn you where stupid sometimes.


And the story rolls on My little rabbits,

Remeber feedback is highly appreciated my darlings

, Yours truly

Rabbit #132, Welcome.Where stories live. Discover now