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Hello, my dearest Rabbits. This chapter is purely for a little emotional interjection. Please listen to the song whilst reading loves~

, Yours truly


Things were a bit of a blur. After, all the weird shit that just appeared to just suddenly hit you all at once. It all came to a halt. The last thing you remembered was getting your ass dragged away from whatever the hell you had stumbled into.

Needless to say, you were a complete wreck. Your whole body ached. Your knees were bloodied and bruised. The split in your lip throbbed. Yet, you almost didn't mind.

Laying here on some dirty old mattress staring at the ceiling; Counting holes in the rotting wood. You felt something of a solace in it. The pain made you feel solid. It made you feel alive. It grounded to earth and in a way, you actually appreciated it. Given the last few hours felt like a fucked up trip.

That's not to say fear wasn't still swimming in the back of your mind. You knew that eventually, he'd return, and you honestly doubted it would be to explain whatever the fuck had happened over the last few hours.

Then again there was no other way to explain it...You'd lost your shit. You'd tried to put together a million different theories, but you didn't want to stay oblivious to undeniable fact that you'd simply fallen down the rabbit hole.

Only this wasn't wonderland, and you sure as hell weren't Alice.

Great, you even starting to sound like that fucking creep... You let out a heavy sigh feeling the cool air slowly fill your lungs and coast off your lips. You let out a little laugh as a song came to mind. The melody seemed to gently begin floating through your mind.

"I got dosed by you and

Closer than most to you and~"

Before you even thought about it the lyrics drifted from your lips. It was almost like you could hear every note. You kind of smiled remembering the way Evan brightened up when they melody started to roll from the speakers. The way the stupid red and blue lights cast shadows through the soft atmosphere.

"~What am I supposed to do

Take it away

I never had it anyway

Take it away

And everything will be okay~"

You'd do anything to go back to that very moment. Things seemed to be so complicated at the time, But now more than ever you realized how simple shit really was...Your heart ached, and you felt a pain in your chest. A lump sat heavy in the back of your throat. Your voice cracked as you continued quietly. Feeling hot tears brim on the edge.

"~ In you a star is born...

You cut a perfect form

Someone forever w-warm

lay on, lay on, lay on, lay on..."

Rabbit #132, Welcome.Where stories live. Discover now