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You thought you knew the meaning of pain...You thought you knew what it like felt to hurt. But, wrists bound together, blood trickling from your broken nose. Wheezing for a tiny rush of air in your lungs. The searing pain of the rigged knife tearing into your upper thigh, and left right where it would stay to ensure you kept screaming.

Several of your ribs were crushed when he brought his boot down on the protective cage. Bones protrude from all parts of your body. Seeing the un-natural angles made your stomach lurch.

That god awful laughter rang in your ears. You'd screamed for so long, and so loud your throat had gone raw. All that escaped now was cracking pleads for it to stop. Your vision was so very blurry where were you?

"Little Rabbit tsk tsk didn't mommy and daddy ever tell you to stay out of the woods. There are far too many monsters for such a fragile little thing like you to be wondering about~" You heard the flick of a lighter...fuckfuckfuck. You watched him hover a blade just above the flame till it became cherry red. Illuminating his smirk in the dark.

Again he chuckles, as you try desperately to get away. His shadow loomed over you. As you back into the wall, "looks like a dead end Rabbit."

He slowly eased the blade into your side. The smell of singed flesh clouded your senses. Nothing could ever match this, nothing could ever compare. The screams you let out before paled in comparison to the blood curtailing shrieks that bursts from you small broken frame.

"Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down~" he sings


You gasped for air as you bolted upright. Sweat clung to your skin as you panted, letting little breathless whimpers pour from your lips. You ran your hands up and down your body.

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes feeling tears quit obviously present as the poured down your face. What the fuck kinda dream was that...


Trust me rabbits the gore will be much better soon~

I cant stress how important your feed back is loves

, all my love rabbits

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