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A new point of view rabbits~

Our dearest Evans point of view.


"Do you wanna talk about it? I mean I know I'm not the one you probably want to spill your guts to, but hey I can listen decently well." Poor kid... She looked like hell. Well, more like she'd been through hell.

Jesus fuck did she scare the shit out of me with the screaming.

" Evan... I don't even know how I could explain fucking brain was scattered all over the walls. M-my intestines where fucking decorations. But I still kept breathing no matter how badly I wanted to die... I would have done anything to make the pain stop...a-anything" her lip quivered, I think my heart stopped.

How the fuck was this fair...What did she ever do to end up here? To end up drinking till she could barely stand. To be going through all this shit Why?

Why is the world like this? Cold and so very sickening.

"I know what it's like ...I get it. there's no one that can ever understand that. That's why you need to pick your self up. No one in this world understands you but you, "fuck that sounded harsh, but it was true...

Her hair fell in front of her face, and a quiet whimper dripped from her lips.

"I-I just feels so fucking alone. So fucking tired and over it. I lost everyone...And it's all been my own fault. I'm the one who made my mom leave. She couldn't deal with having a kid that was losing their shit. I'm the reason my father was a drunk. If I would have been a better fucking sister Elliot would still be alive. If I'd just been there to pick him up. If I wasn't so fucking damaged my friends would still care. If I could have just held it all in ...if I would never have told my d-dad"

It was like her entire body shook with every word. Whatever really happened she hadn't told me the whole truth...

"(Y/N)... what happened? What really happened...? You can tell me..."I say in hopes of soothing her for even just a moment. I wrapped an arm around her feeling her warmth press into my side. It felt good having her do nothing but sink in a little deeper...

Why did she have to look so pretty even with all the sorrow that knitted her eyebrows together and soaked her cheeks in tears? I brushed a piece of her hair back out of her face.

Her eyes met mine, and for a moment just a fraction of a second, it looked like she looked at my lips...

"E-evan... I've never told anyone but my dad.  And I don't want to risk you reacting the same... I fucking like this - I mean I like you-fucken shit I just like this...and I don't want to fuck it up by more than I already have " her eyes looked so intricate and unique in the way the colors seemed to leak into one another.

Her eyes were big like a deer in headlights. The way she stared at me was just something else -Jesus Christ I'm turning into a chick flick.

"look, I'm saying this here and now -There is no way in fucking hell you could scare me away trust me I've seen some shit in my day, but whatever it is eating at you I swear I'd do nothing but stay here with you as long as you need. Fuck your dad I'm not gonna push you away."

(TRIGGER WARNING MY LITTLE BABBITS  I'm serious rabbits be warned)

When I first met her she seemed so solid. Like nothing could get her down. Like she could give two fucks about everything. To be honest that's the whole reason I started to kinda like her...

I mean you could sayI'm a lot like her in that way. But seeing her now. Like this...She looked broken. She looked like her entire world had been nothing, but misery.

"Y-you don't understand. I'm not- I'm not...Fuck. I'm tainted goods alright..." she said sounding utterly disgusted with her self.

Now that sentence sparked something. Anger? Ah, fuck it I was fucken pissed.

"(Y/N) are you kidding me? Like are you fucking joking? You're a fucken badass! Jesus Christ, ever since I met you, you've done nothing but surprise me. Not to mention how fucking nice you are! Saying your tainted goods is like saying I don't have the mouth of a god damn sailor fucken shit man !"

She paused to laugh through her disheveled emotional state, but her smile quickly dissolved as she looked away.

"When I was five or six." she sighed "M-my parents used to have this kid from up the street babysit me... I had a little crush on him, but it was never anything but innocent... " her face turned pale. She looked sick to her stomach.

"l-lets just say he crossed every fucking boundary p-possible... He took advantage me no matter how many times I begged him to stop...And when I tried to tell my dad... He fucking blamed me. He knew I had a crush... so he said I must have asked for it. After that, he still left me with that fucking pig- a-nd when he found out I told my dad... He put fucking cigarettes out on my thighs. Went on for probably a year... Then I started to just lose it. Talk to people that weren't there... I couldn't sleep. Then when my mom noticed that I was acting weird she dealt with it for a bit but eventually, she got sick of it left with some asshat with a nice bank account..."

She cried so hard after that I held her close to my chest. I just wanted her to feel safe. To feel better...

"(y/n)...I'm so sorry that happened to you. There's no way in fucking hell that any of this is your fault- don't you ever fucking blame your self for that shit.EVER. Your father was a piece of work that took no responsibility for being a horrible father... And there's a special place in hell for that motherfucker that hurt you..."

At that point, I don't think she even could respond. So, I held her till she finally fell asleep. There wasn't a single chance that I was moving if she had another nightmare I'd be right there to wake her up.

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