Chapter Three

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Peter POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and a painful ache in my ribs. I opened my eyes to be meet by an overwhelming bright light that caused me to move my arm to shield my eyes from it. I immediately regretted it and yelped in pain.

"Hey kid," Tony said coming over to my side.

"Hi," I mumbled at him. Every breathe I did and word I spoke felt like a knife stabbing me. Tony looked at me with concern, probably because I looked like crap. I closed my eyes again as the room started spinning, I was gonna throw up.

"Kid you okay?" Tony said concern written in his voice.

"Tr...trash...please," I mumbled.

Tony understood and grabbed the trash holding it up to me. I sat up and clutched my stomach as I threw up nothing. It hurt so bad and my spidey senses were not helping what so ever. With a wince I laid back down and panted. For some reason my healing was not working very fast so I knew I needed to sleep and eat to speed the process. Without a second guess I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me knowing that this was the only way I could get better.

Tony POV

The kid woke up with a yelp before covering his eyes. I went over to his bedside and watched him intently I said hi and he said hi back, at least he was responsive. After a few minutes of watching him he mumbled for the trash and I gave it to him. I watched helplessly as he threw up, not knowing how to respond or help. When he finished he looked drained so I took the trash from him and watched as he fell asleep. The poor kid looked awful. He was sweaty and pale not to mention the big bags under his eyes. I decided to leave him in peace and make my way towards the kitchen, where I owed an explanation to all the other Avengers. When I got into the room Nat, Bruce, Steve, Clint, Vision, and Wanda were looking at me with a mixture of confusion and worry.

"Who is he kid in the med bay?" Clint asked.

"Why is Spider-Man's suit on the couch?" Nat asked.

"Is Peter okay?" Bruce asked worried.

They were about to fire more questions at me but I quickly cut them off and started explaining what I could.

"The kid in the med bay is Peter and Peter is Spider-Man. I don't know what happened but something caused Spider-Man, Peter, to break all of his ribs and cause one of them to break through skin. I brought him to the med bay to get him patched up. Bruce cleaned up his wounds and put his rib back in place, but halfway through the operation Pete woke up and had to stay awake through the rest of it which was about an hour. So in conclusion the poor kid is sick, exhausted, miserable, and in terrible condition."

The Avengers looked at me with shock on their faces and I waited for someone to say something.

"When will he heal?" Steve finally spoke up.

"In truth I don't know. His super healing should help but it isn't making as much progress as we hoped. So for now we are just going to wait for him to get up and go from there," I answer completely panicking as I realize the fact about his super healing not helping.

"It is okay, Tony. Now we just wait," Steve said as he turned on a movie and sat on the couch, the rest of the Avengers following suite.

Peter POV

I woke up with a start confused about where I was and why I was there. Then it hit me like a truck. I sat up and felt my ribs. As soon as I made contact with the area a sharp pain shoot through me making me scream. I wanted to get Tony so I could ask what was going on, I didn't remember much after the fall.

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