Chapter Four

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Peter POV

I woke up to the sound of snoring next to me. When the lights slowly came on I realized that Tony had fallen asleep watching me during the night. Knowing that FRIDAY would come on speaker at any moment I shook Tony awake.

"Wh...what do you want kid? Are you okay? Hurting? Nauseous?" He said rapid fire like I had just set off an alarm.

"I'm feeling better but I haven't eaten and I'm hungry," I say wincing only slightly as my ribs shift.

Tony's face lit up when I said I was hungry, probably because it meant I was getting better.

"Sure kid, what do you want?"

"I wanna go to the kitchen if that is okay?" I asked timidly knowing that he wanted me bed ridden.

"Of course you can come to the kitchen."

I smiled and turned to get out of bed. Tony walked around the bed and watched me in case I fell. When I jumped on the floor I winced and grimaced when pain shoot through my side. Tony made a move towards me but I shook my head. He stood back with a worried look on his face, but respected my request. I was able to walk all the way out to the hallway but soon I started stumbling so Tony put my arm around his shoulders and led me the rest of the way to the kitchen.

"So what do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Just cereal, please," I said still finding it awkward that I was eating breakfast in the Avengers' house. He nods and gets the cereal box milk and bowl for me. I pour some for myself and he pours some as well. We eat in silence until Tony decides it is time I start answering questions.

"How did you get your injury?"

"What are my injuries?" I shoot back non aggressively.

"Well broken ribs, mild concussion, and a rib poking through your skin."

I quickly look down at my torso and lift up my shirt to see a long trail of stitches and dried blood. I swallow hard suddenly not hungry.

"You good?" Tony asks seeing the panic in my expression.

"Ya fine," I swallow hard forcing myself to keep eating.

"So what happened kid?"

"Um... I was doing patrol when my spidey sense went haywire, so I asked Karen what was going on and she said some people were arming explosives near by. I went to check it out and only got grazed by one bullet before webbing all of the bad guys up. I was about to leave but one of them started laughing and I was like 'whats so funny' and that is when I realized he had completed arming the bomb. I was low on web so I grabbed the bomb and went as fast as I could up the tallest building and threw it into the air. The stupid thing exploded and caught me off guard, so I was thrown into a free fall off a tall building. Not the best situation. Anyways, by the time I realized what was happening and shoot my web it was to late. I landed and... well you know the rest from there," I said sheepishly waiting for a reaction.

"A BOMB!!" He yelled.

"Ya, but it is okay now," I said smiling.

"Peter," He sighed before putting his head in his hands, "by the way you have school tomorrow and Aunt May expects you back at home after. I nodded when Natasha and Clint joined us in the kitchen.

"Hi Peter, I'm Natasha," she said uncharacteristically warm.

"And I'm Clint."

"Hi nice to meet you guys," I said smiling like a goof.

I ate the rest of my cereal and then went down to the training room with Clint, Natasha, and Tony. I was able to convince Tony to let me train by taking a full bottle of pain meds (healthy Spiderling dose) and wrapping up my side. When we got to the training room I was super impressed by the equipment and room. The only thing it was missing was things to climb on, which sucked for me. The first round we did Clint and Nat versus me and Tony, which was a blast. They were impressed by my skills and abilities especially Clint. When we finished training I felt almost 100% better, that was until the meds stared to wear off.

"Hey kid you should lay down," Steve said to me as we walked into the living room.

"Was just about to," I muttered.

"Are you sure you can go to school?" Natasha asked.

"Ya, I just need to watch out for Flash and I should be fine," I said before realizing what I had said.

Natasha POV

"Who is Flash?" I said in most deadly voice. I just met the kid and I would already do anything to protect him.

"N-no one," Peter said as he started to blush, I could tell he was lying.

"Is he a bully?"

When I said that he acted surprised but I saw fear shine through his eyes, I was right.

"Tell us the truth Peter," Tony urged.

"He is a guy at my school that gives me a hard time, but he is no one and just plays around," Peter muttered.

"Tell us if he gives you any trouble because I might want to pay him a visit," I said whipping out my knife to get the point across.

"Woah woah woah! Nat it isn't like that," Peter yelled at me. My heart melted slightly when he said Nat but I quickly hardened my gaze again.

"Peter I can tell by the way you are acting that Flash is more than a person. I am serious if he bullies you at all tell me right away!"

Peter nodded his head awkwardly.

"How long has it been going on?" Clint asked.

"How long has what been?" Peter responded.

"The bullying of course," he said smirking at Peter's expression.

"I don't remember, for a while I guess."

My heart boiled at that answer and I was prepared to slit the other kids throat. Tony must have seen my expression because he quickly changed the subject.

"Okay Peter time for bed!" He yelled across the room.

"What! It is only 8:30!?"

"Ya, but it is a school night and you obviously need to heal more."

"Fine," Peter grumbled as he limped slowly to his room.

When he was out of sight Tony told us not to interfere with what happened at Peter's school. What he meant to say was don't follow Pete to school to kill the bully, that message was clearly for me. I agreed not to interfere and let the matter die. I headed to my room to go to bed when I passed by Peter's room. Once again I felt my cold heart melt at the sight of the sleeping child.

Geez what is happening to me? I thought.


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