Chapter Eight

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Peter POV

I heard loud clatters and felt something slapping my face.

"Hey boss I think it's waking him up," some yelled giddily.

"Don't hit him to much he needs to be able to understand everything," came Toomes voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to take in my surroundings. It looked like I was in some metal interior that kept making a really loud humming noise, a plane.


I thought as everything that happened came back to me. My head was swimming and I could tell I had a concussion. I tried to move my arms to my head but they were zip tied to the chair I was sitting on.

"Hey Pedro, remember me," Toomes said coming up to me.

"I remember... saving you," I muttered sourly.

He smirked at me and signaled something to his men, who quickly came over to me and started untying my arms. With my hands free I shot webs at them, trying to web them against the cold metal. Toomes quickly realized what was going on and shot a gun at my leg. My spidey sense went off but by the time I acted the bullet went through my leg. I screamed as I felt the hard metal enter my leg.

"Don't do that again Pedro," Toomes said to me icily, "boys take off those things on his wrists."

Two big burly men walked up to me and grabbed my wrists, this was going to hurt. The web shooters were secured tightly for safety reasons and only came off on command, and I was not willing to tell them to come off. He men quickly found a solution and grabbing both of my wrists they started to yank the shooters off. The left web shooter eventually came of but the right one still held onto my wrist securely.

"Boss this one isn't budging," the man said.

"I can get it off," Toomes said.

He came over to where I was standing and grabbed hold of my wrist. He then grabbed some alien tech and prepared to fire it at the web shooter.

"Tell me if this hurts," he said laughing.

I looked at him with fire in my eyes as he shot the weapon. To my dismay and utter pain I heard the web shooter break along with my wrist, I yelped in pain. Toomes looked at me smiling and grabbed me by the collar, dragging me over to the door of the airplane. I stiffened as I realized what he was planning.

"Why are you doing this?" I said resorting to the only weapon I had left, my big mouth.

"You wanna know why Pedro? Do I really have to explain everything to you because I thought a little genius like yourself might be smart enough to figure it out."

"Ya well when you save a mans life and he comes back to kill you it can be pretty confusing," I muttered.

"I paid that debt," he growled back.

"Really how?"

"I didn't reveal your identity!" He screamed at me.

"Oh," I said taking it in.

"Ya and you know why I came her to kill you?"

"No that is why I asked," I said earning me a quick sturdy punch to the face.

"I came here to kill you because you destroyed my life! I know you think you saved it but you didn't at all. You got me arrested and taken to prison. My family doesn't want me anymore and they are ungrateful for what I did! You also ruined my life's work, by revealing who I am to everybody, and making my family a target. You ungrateful little bastard don't even know the pain of someone being alive and not loving you, even though you did what you did for them. That is why I will kill you! Do you understand now?" He answered breathlessly.

He delivered another punch and I felt a black eye start to form along with a split lip and other scratches on my face. He laughed at me while I squirmed in pain.

"Remember that night when you ruined my life?"

"Of course I do," I muttered wearily.

"Remember the plane and how you crashed it along with my money? Doesn't this plane remind you of what happened that night?" He smirked.

After waiting for a response and getting none he continued.

"You know what will remind you even more of that night? Falling out of an airplane," he said laughing at the fear that was creeping into my eyes.

He picked me up by the throat and opened the airplane door. We had to be at least 4,000 feet high, which made me shake even harder. I started to see black dots cloud my vision as his grip around my throat became tighter.

"I have been waiting to do this for months," he said coldly.

"What not years?" I managed to get out.

He scowled and gripped my neck harder. I started to hear a bone break.

Not good! If he breaks my main bone, well... bye bye spidey.

I gasped for air as I heard another bone break. He laughed as I panicked and in a sudden swift movement threw me out the door. I screamed as I felt myself fall faster and faster. I tried everything I could to stop falling but nothing could be done. Suddenly I heard a screech behind me and felt cold metal wrap around my torso. I turned and saw Iron Man trying to grab me without causing me pain.

"Tony," I muttered relieved and I started to slow down.

"Hey kid," he said picking me up.

I cuddled close to the metal and focused on breathing.

"Hang on bud," he muttered before he stared to fly me somewhere.

Tony POV

"Okay Avengers there is the plane Parker is in," i muttered into the coms, "Falcon and Hawkeye focus on disabling the plane. Nat and Steve be ready to shoot at the Vulture. Vision and Wanda get the Vulture captured in on of your magic bubbles. I will focus on getting the kid."

Everyone went into positions when suddenly something was thrown out of the airplane door.

"Guys I have eyes on Peter!" I yelled as I started to dive for him, "take down that plane."

I streaked after Peter while hearing explosions and gunfire above me.

"Friday give me a scan of the kid," I said while above him, trying to find the best area to grab him without causing him pain.

"He seems to have a concussion, bullet wound in the leg, multiple face injuries, a broken wrist, and some broken neck bones," she concluded.

I felt a fire rise in my chest as I realized what Toomes had done to the kid. I wanted to fly back to the ship and kick his sorry ass, but right now Peter needs me. I flew above him and grabbed around his torso, the only place without an injury. He tensed up as he felt me but then relaxed.

"Mr. Stark," he said relieved.

"Hey kid," I said as I picked him up in bridal position.

He seemed to be breathing very labored and I knew I had to take him to the Tower.

"Avengers I got the kid and I am heading back to the Tower to give him medical attention.

"Good job," everyone yelled into their coms.

"Make sure you take down that plane," I growled into the com before flying straight to the Tower.

I will personally kill that Toomes.

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