Chapter One

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"Peter! Get up it is time to get ready for school!" Aunt May yelled.

"One second May," I yelled back in a sleepy voice.

Today was Friday, the best day of the week. I had a huge presentation today in Chemistry and didn't want to look like the walking dead while giving it. I got up, put on my clothes and did the usual morning routine. When I got into the kitchen May had already started to dish out pancakes with chocolate chips in them, my favorite.

"Make sure you eat all of them!" Aunt May said knowing about my somewhat fast metabolism.

"Defiantly will."

Ever since she figured out I am Spider-Man she has been extremely over protective and helpful to my spidey needs. After I finished with my pancakes I grabbed my backpack and went to Aunt May and kissed her goodbye.

"Remember do good on your Chemistry and no Spider-Maning until after homework is done."

"Yup. Love you May," I said as I walked out the door.

"Love Peter, and be safe!" She yelled after me.

I snickered back at her as I was walking down the hallway and to the elevator. Once I got down to the street I went to the subway and waited until I came to my stop. When I finally got to school I only had a few minutes till the bell rang which was fine with me. As I was shoving my things into my locker and getting my Algebra book out Ned came up to me.

"Hey Peter. Are you ready for the Chem presentation?"

"Duh, are you ready?"

"Of course!"

Ned and I had the same class period so we both got to judge each other and geek out over our finds. I went to Algebra then History and finally English before it was time for lunch. Me and Ned still sat in our usual spot, the best table for being invisible. Of course MJ now kept us some company, but today she was to intrigued in her women's rights book.

"Hey MJ?" I quietly asked.


"How was the Chem presentation?"

"Bland, tasteless, and I learned nothing but what nerds are capable of in their free time," she said smiling at me demonically.


I looked at Ned but he just shrugged it off. When the bell rang signaling that lunch was over me and Ned headed over to our lockers and grabbed all of our Chem stuff for the presentation. It actually ended up being a lot of fun and very educational. My presentation wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I got a 90 on it. When Chem was over the rest of the day flew by in a flash. At the end of school I went to a near by ally webbed up my backpack and changed into my spidey suit. It felt amazing to be swinging around after a long day in school. My spidey sense was bouncing off the walls as soon as I put the mask on. Something was wrong.

"Hey Karen what's going on?"

"It seem that there is a robbery just North of you. They are arming explosives."

"Of course they are."

I ran up the side of the building and saw a little souvenir shop. It all looked normal until I went around to the back side, the door was pried wide open and wires were leading into the building.

"Okay Karen how many people are in here?"

"Four armed men."

I snuck inside the door and climbed onto the roof going to the location of the four guys. When I saw them I jumped down onto the floor and watched them silently for a couple of minutes. They didn't notice me so I dropped something next to me to get their attention.

"You know it's not nice to blow up stores," I said practically yelling.

"What the! Who are you?" One of the men asked.

"That's Spider-Man!" The other answered.

They all looked at each other and then at me. A moment passed and I started to get a little nervous, nothing was happening. Finally a man finally yelled,


The men started firing their guns and defending their small bomb on the floor. I jumped and dodged the bullets when one of them ticked me. I winced slightly but it was already slowly healing and wasn't that deep of a cut. I ran up to one of the men and webbed their gun up rendering it useless. I then flung myself towards the man and knocked him out. There were three men left and one of them was still arming the bomb.

"Karen web grenade!"

"Web grenade armed."

I threw the web grenade at the two men running towards me. They both feel to the ground webbed up and stuck. It was just me and the last man now.

"Stay right where you are Spider-Man!" He shouted at me.

"No can do!" I said as I shot him with my web.

He was stuck to the floor but for some reason was laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

He just looked at me and then the bomb, that was armed. I immediately jumped into action and grabbed the bomb that was counting down.

"Peter you only have 10% left in your web cartridge."

"Only 10%!"

"The web grenade used up a lot of your fluid."

I started panicking but knew that I had to get the bomb up to the tallest building and chuck it into the sky.

"Karen make me a quick route up to the nearest building."

"Sure thing Peter."

I saw the route being formed and immediately swung into action. I got to the top of the building and the bomb was on 5 seconds before detonation. I chucked into the air and it exploded almost immediately throwing me off the building and into a free fall. By the time I realized what was happening I had no time to react.


I hit the ground on my side and head. I immediately felt broken ribs and a cut underneath my last ribs. I started to see black dots and was trying my best not to pass out.

"Peter you seem to be losing a lot of blood, should I call Mr. Stark?"

"Y-Y-Yes please," I said as I tried to get up.

A few moments later I heard what sounded like a siren then I realized it was just Iron Mans suit. I was fading in and out of consciousness when Tony finally landed the suit and got out running towards me.

"Holy shit kid! What happened!"

"A-A-A Bomb."

"Okay just stay with me, stay awake!"

I nodded my head but my eyes had already started to droop.

"Stay awake!" He shouted fiercer this time.

I tried but within a few seconds I was engulfed in blackness.


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