|chapter fourteen|

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The Night It All Happened | R.o.R 6:00pm

Hermione, Draco, Blaise, Astoria, and Theo all anxiously waited in the R.o.R. Draco would soon be called by Severus to continue with the plan. Draco was pacing like crazy and everyone thought it would be best to leave him alone.

Severus entered into the room and everyone stood up. Draco looked at him and started walking twords him. Before they leaved, Hermione ran up to him.

She hugged her lover close and he did the same in return. "I love you Draco, no matter what." She whispered in his ear. He smiled. "I love you too, Mia. Be safe." Draco said. "Same with you."

Draco and Severus walked off while the other four remained in the R.o.R.

"I assume we wait her until it's done?" Blaise asked. Astoria nodded her head and they sat in scilence.

Astronomy Tower

Albus Dumbledore stood in scilence at the top of the Astronomy Tower. The scilence broke when footsteps were heard coming up the stairs.

Draco appeared and looked at his professor.

"Good evening Draco." Dumbledore said in a calm manner. "May I ask wha you are doing here at this time?" He questioned.

"Do not worry about that. I'm here for one thing and one thing only sir." Draco said hastily. Dumbledore looked at him.

"Draco, you are no assasin-"

"How would you know what I am? I've done some things that would shock you."

"Like falling in love with the girl you pretend to hate? Hoping to be with her then bringing her into all of this chaos?"

Draco lowered his wandans nearly broke down. He realized what he did then shot it back up.

"I know you do not want to do this." Dumbledore began. "It takes great will and protection for someone such as the Dark Lord to trust a boy like you who wants know part of this."

"He trusts me!" Draco exclaimed. "I was chosen." He lifted up his sleeve to show the Dark Mark to his professor. Dumbledore backed up.

"I shall make it easy for you." He said putting up his wand. "Expelliarmus!" Draco yelled. The wand flew put of Dumbledores hand. "Good, very good Draco." Dumbledore told the student. Suddenly, the sounds of frantic and many footsteps started to cave in from the hallways.

"There are others...how?" Dumbledore questioned. "The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement." Draco began. "I've been meding it. Its some what twin is in Borgan and Burkes right now. That's where they are coming from, they form a passage." "Genius." Dumbledore said, sounding fairly shocked.

"Draco," He began. "Years ago I met a boy that made all the wrong choices. Please, let me help you."

"I don't want your help!" Draco exclaimed. "Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you, or he's gonna kill us. Dumbledore knew what Draco meant when he said 'us'. Not only was he referring to Hermione, but Blaise, Theo, and Astoria as well.

Just then, around five deatheaters came in and surrounded them. Bellatrix walked over to Draco and slowly put her hand on his shoulder. "Good Draco, very good indeed." She said. "Kill. Him."

Draco continued to shake and was having a panic attack. He didn't want to do this, he never did. "He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father." Said Fenrir Greyback. "He's to busy thinking about that Zabini girl he's in love with." Draco flinched at the name.

"Go on Draco. Nowww!!!!" Screamed Bellatrix.

"No." Said a voice. The voice of Severus Snape. Draco instantly turned around aand the potions master walked infront of him.

"Severus," Dumbledore began. "Please."

And without hesitation, Severus lifted his wand.

"Avada Kedavra."

And just like that, Albus Dumbledore was killed. But Draco Malfoy didn't do it.

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