|chapter fifteen|

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Astronomy Tower

Severus grabbed Draco and rushed him out of the scene. Bellatrix and the other Deatheaters followed closely. They began to walk down the stairs of the tower and all that was heard was Bellatrix's high pitched cackle.

They eventually reached the Great Hall and Bella nearly destroyed it. She shattered windows, kicked over plates and cups, and was running on top of tables.

Draco found no amusement in this. He was to busy trying to process what just happened. He was relieved to say that he didn't kill him, but he still couldn't believe that all of this was happening.

Finally, they reached the room of requirement. Draco ran inside and went to search for his friends. He saw Theo, Blaise, and Astoria, but no Hermione.

"Is it done?" Blaise questioned. "Yes, but it's a long story." Draco stated. "Where's Hermione?" He asked frantically. "Potter and Weasley ended up finding her. They took her with them a few moments ago." Theo explained. Draco's heart dropped. "Damnit.." he said under his breath.

"We cannot wait, we have to leave. Now." Severus said. The four of them quickly exited the room and apparated to Malfoy Mannor.

Courtyard | With Hernione

Harry knelt down and cried his eyes out. His professor who taught him so much over the years, had died just moments ago. He didn't just die, he was murdered. Harry was pissed and so angry to the point where his cries nearly became screams. Hermione walked over and hugged him from behind.

'Why Draco?" She thought to herself.

Everyone in the courtyard and cried over the loss of their professor. Wands were raised in his memory and everyone tried their best to give a moment of scilence for the man.

After sometime, everyone knew it was time to go and began to flee the scene. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stayed behind. The three of them sat in scilence till Harry spoke.

"We need to find all seven horcrux's and deystroy them." Harry said. "It's what Dumbledore would've wanted." Hermione looked over at her friend. "How would we find them?" She questioned. "Thr woods would be a good hideout while we search." Ron suggested. "Yea, you're right." Said Harry. "It would take quite some time, but in a few months we would have found the majority of them." Hermione was shocked. "A few months?" She questioned. Harry nodded. It would take quite some time to find them Hermione." Harry began. "If we want to win this war, we have to give up everything if we need to. We have to do whatever it takes to survive." Hermione and Ron both nodded their heads in understandment. "When do we leave?" Hermione questioned. Harry waited.

"Tomorrow morning." He said. "We will sleep at the Burrow and from there, we will start our journey. It's our best shot. Are you guys okay with that?" Ron and Hermione nodded their heads in agreement.

"Before I head to the Burrow," Hermione began. "I would want to say goodbye to my parents and grab a few things. Would that be okay?" "That would be fine Hermione." Harry stated. "Meet us at the Burrow whenever you're ready." Hermione stood up and started to back away twords the woods where she would apparate. "See you guys soon!" She called out.

Harry and Ron thought she would apparate to her parents in London, she apparated to the Malfoy Mannor, where she would see her family and closets friends for the last time in who knows how long.

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