|chapter seventeen|

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In The Woods | Four Months Later

The three of them were nearly done to finding all of the Horcuxs. They needed only a few more but, Hermione was giving up. She wanted to be with her family, she wanted to be with her friends, she wanted to be with her lover. Hernione didn't know if her family was ok or if anyone she cared for had died!

It came to a point where Ron and Harry were noticing her change in behavior but like usual, they decided not to question it.

Hermione was getting so impatient and needed to know that her family was alright. One night, she decided to have the night gaurd where she could think of a plan on how to message her family.

"Harry, I have the night gaurd tonight. You and Ron catch some well needed sleep." Hermione told them. Harry nodded. "Be safe Hermione. Wake us if anything." Hermione smiled and walked out the tent.

She sat there for a few moments before figuring out what she could do. Hermione pulled her wand out and stood up.

"Expecto Patronum!" She chanted. An otter shaped mist came from the tip of her wand. "Go to my lover, Draco Malfoy, and let me know I'm okay." She told the patronus. The otter spun around and took off into the night sky.

Malfoy Mannor

The mannor had been very dark and very gloomy ever since Hermione had left. Everyone had felt terrified and restless over her leaving. No one had heard from her in months and that began to scare everyone.

It was 12:00am and Draco Malfoy was asleep in his room. Suddenly, he hesrd taping on his bedroom window. He sat up and looked over. "The hell is going on?" He said in a tired voice. Draco moved closer to thr window and noticed that it was a patronus. Hermione's patronus.

"Hermione.." he smiled and whispered to himself. Draco unlatched the lock on the widow and the otter flew in. It danced around the room and it was dilled with light all over. Draco smiled and walk twords it. Hermione had left a message for Draco. The patronus would give it to him.

"I'm alright Draco, I'm in the woods still searching for the horcurxs. Tell my family I'm alright and that I love them very much. I love you Draco and I hope to be reunited with you soon." The patronus spoke.

Draco stepped back. She was alive... Thankfully, you can tell were the patronus has come from. Once Draco found out exactly where her lover was, he began to get dressed. He put on a pair of black jeans and a black button down shirt. He put on some sneakers and let his hair go naturally.

Draco put a note on his parents door that said:

I am going after her, I'll be okay. ~xoxo

With that being done, Draco left the mannor and began to search for the love of his life.

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