|chapter tweleve|

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Malfoy Mannor | New Years Day.

The days flew by and it was now the time to recive the Dark Mark. In exactly one hour from the current time, Hermione and her closest friends would become Deatheaters.

She was horrified.

Lucius had told her to dress nicely and that the Dark Lord would share dinner with them before the ceremony began. Hermione was currently in her room putting on her outfit for the evening. It was a black dress that fell off her shoulders, followed by silver earrings and of course, her promise ring. Her hair was in a french twist with a few curls hanging from the side.

Hermione took one last look in the mirror and then peeked down at her left arm. She nearly cried knowing what her arm would look like in the newr future.

At that moment, her mother walked in.

"Mia, are you ready?" Her mother questioned. Hermione looked at her mom, she truly was on the verge of tears. "Oh Mia." Her mom cried out. She ran over and hugged her daughter tight. She was just as scared as she was. "I don't want to do this, mom." Hermione said. "I don't want any of you guys too, but there's no other choice." Her mother said.

Hernione wanted to cry but she had to stay strong. Mrs. Zabini stepped back and took a look at her daughter. She smiled. "Are you ready?" She asked her daughter. Hermione nodded and her mother kissed her on the forehead.

After a few moments, the two walked down stairs together.

They reached the dining room where everyone had been waiting. Everyone was sitting down in their own seat and on the farther side of the large table. The Dark Lord and many deatheaters would be arriving soon so everyone was preparing the house. Draco, Blaise, Astoria, and Theo were dressed nicely and so were the parents. Hermione notcied a seat open between Draco and Astoria and Hermione sat between them.

"Hey guys." She said while taking a seat. "Hey Mia." Astoria said. Draco was to bus lost in thought to respond. Hermione took her hand and placed it on top of Draco's, shocking him a little.

"You alright?" She questioned. He looked up at her. "Yes love, I'm alright. Just nervous." He assured her. Hermione understood and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Alright," Narcissa called out. "Is everyone ready? Our guests should be arriving very soon." Everyone nodded their head and the teens looked at eachother. "I don't wanna do this." Theo complained. "There's nothing we can do to stop this Theo, you know that." Astoria said blankly.

Just then, the front door was open. In walked over 30 deatheaters and right behind them was Voldemort.


After Dinner | Ceremony

"Today we welcome five new recruits into our side." The Dark Lord began.

Hermione, Draco, Astoria, Blaise, and Theo has been lined up in a straight side to side and right behind them stood many deatheaters.

Voldemort walked over to Theo.

"Theodore Angus Nott." He began. "Lift up your left arm." Theo handed out his arm. The Dark Lord grabbed it and put his wand on one of his vains.


Theo scrunched his face in pain. After a few moments, the Dark Mark appeared on Theo's left arm.

Voldemort continued down the line. Next was Blaise, then Astoria, followed by Draco, then finally Hermione.

"Mia Lemorda Zabini." The Dark Lord stated. Hermione looked up and looked him in the eye. This wasn't the first time they had seen eachother but, it was the first time they were so close. "Hand out your left arm." He directed. She did as she was told and lifted up her arm. He took hold of it, found a vain, and firlmy pressed his wand against it.


It hurt. Hermione tighted her wrist and tried not to scream. Draco saw her pain and looked away. After a few agonizing moments, the pain stopped and the mark was etched into her skin. The deatheaters started cheering and so did her four friends. She knew they were fake clapping but they were doing a damn good job at making it seem well.

"These five deatheaters are now the youngest in the Dark Side. We expect very highly of all of you and I hope that you will suit my needs." The Dark Lord evily said.

"Everyone is dismissed so head home and begin this new, and very exciting, year at home." Voldemort exclaimed.

Deatheaters started to leave the Malfoy Mannor while congratulating the five new deatheaters. Once everyone, including Voldemort, had left, all the residents of the Malfoy Mannor had met in the living room.

"I still can't believe this." Astoria said in a state of shock. "None of us can." Blaise came out and said. The parents still had felt bad for having this happen to their own children but they knew they couldn't do anything else. Draco suddenly stood up. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight everyone." He blankly said, walking away. "I agree, I am quite tired." Hermione stated. "Goodnight guys, I love you all." "We love you too Hermione." Narcissa spoke for everyone.

Hernione exited the living room and caught up the Draco. She hugged him from behind. "Hey." She whispered in his ear. "Hey Mia." Draco said smiling. Hermione walked in front of him and put her hands around his neck. He then softly pushed her against the wall and put his hands on her waist. Hermione pulled him close and softly kissed his lips. He did the same in return.

"How are you feeling?" She eventually asked him. "I'm doing okay, love. How about you?" She shrugged. "I don't even know as of now." She said honestly. Draco brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her once again. "Get some rest Mia, it's been a long day." He told her. Hermione nodded her head and wished him goodnight.

Hermion walked into her room and shut the door. She began to change into her night clothes, trying to ignore the mark on her arm.

God she hated it...

She was finally dressed and ready to go to sleep until there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Hermione called out.

The door opened and in walked her twin brother.

"Hey sis." He said smiling. Hermione sat up while Blaise came and sat at the side of her bed. "Hey brother. Whats up?" She asked him. "Nothing really. Just wanted to check on you and see how you were handling things." Blaise said. "I'm doing alright." Hermione said, giving him a soft smile so he knew she was alright. Blaise nodded and then hugged his sister. "Everything will be alright soon Hermione, I just want you to know that." He said. "I know they will Blaise. We just have to wait." Blaise pulled away and gave a soft smile to his sister. He stood up and walked twords the door.

"Goodnight twiny." Blaise said laughing.
"Goodnight twinser." Hermione smirked.

With that, Blaise left the room and Hermione drifted into a deep sleep moments after.

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