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Hakeems POV

The trip to Hawaii was something that my girls and I needed. We're on our private jet back home now. I sit in my seat watching as Angel sings and rocks Bree to sleep in her lap. I know that I say this a lot, But damn I love this woman. I didn't know that I was smiling a lot, until Angel looked up at me.

Angel: *Smiles* You ok Keem?

I nod smiling at her.

Me: Yeah ... You know I love you right?

Angel: Of course I do baby.. I love you too

I reach over and grab Angels hand kissing it softly.

Me: I can't wait to get home *smiles*

Angel: Me either *smiles*

Angel pats Bree on the back gently as she rocks her.

Angel: What do you think everyone else has been up to since we've been away?

Me: I don't know Ang, Hopefully mom found dad

Angel nods and lays her head on my shoulder. I softly kiss her on the head making her smile as she closed her eyes. About an hour later, the plane landed and I look over to see my girls still fast asleep. I smiled and gently shook Angel to wake her up.

Angel: *Wakes up* mm are we home?

Me: *laughs* Yeah we're home babe

I pick up Bree and take Angels hand as we walk to the car. As I drive, I look over at my sister wife and see her looking out the window. I reach over and take her hand into mine, Softly kissing it making her smile. I pull into Empires parking lot and get out of the car, picking up Bree and taking Angels hand as we make our way into the building. We make our way to our dads office, and see our mom sitting at the desk looking at papers.

Cookie: *looks up* Oh my god, when did y'all get back?

Our mother hugs and kisses us.

Me: We just got back today mom *smiling*

Angel: *smiles* Yeah

Cookie takes Bree out of my arms and sits on the sofa.

Cookie: Ok tell me everything *smiles*

Angels POV

Bree: *Happily* We went swimming, rode horses, played on the beach

Hakeem and I laugh along with our mother  as our daughter talked.

Cookie: *chuckles* It sounds like you had fun

Me: Yea we did *smiles* but mom did you ever find dad?

Hakeem: Yeah mom?

Cookie sighs and nods

Cookie: I did, luckily I did because crazy ass Claudia kidnapped him and had him chained to a damn chair and almost killed my ass

Hakeem: Damn

Me: Well I'm glad he's safe

Hakeem: Yea, and what about Jamal and Andre?

Our mother takes a sip of her water before speaking.

Cookie: Andre's in the hospital, because of what that b**ch Debra put in his meds, he hasn't been himself since

I look down thinking about my oldest brother. Hakeem squeezes my hand softly to make me look up at him.

Hakeem: Why don't we go visit Dre along with Jamal?

Me: Can we baby?

Hakeem: Yeah baby... *looks at Cookie* Mom do you mind watching Bree for a while?

Cookie: Of course not

We hug and kiss Cookie and Bree and walk out of the office. I text Jamal to meet up with us.

Hakeem: You know we didn't speak to dad

Me: He can wait babe

We get into Hakeems car and drive off. All of this and we just got back home, Maybe seeing my brother will brighten up my day.

How will visiting Andre go?
What will happen next?
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