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Angels pov

I couldn't help but think about what happened last night. The sex Hakeem and I had was memorable, every bit of it. I bite my lip from just the thought of it. I hear my daughters voice.

Bree: mommy the story

Me: I'm sorry boo

I smile as I read the rest of the story to Bree. After a few minutes, my daughter was fast asleep in my arms. I tuck Bree into bed and kiss her on the head. I walk to Hakeem and I's bedroom, crawling into bed as I hear Hakeem in the shower. I rub my eyes yawning a little, I guess I should get a little bit of sleep. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


I wake up to the smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen to a guy with no shirt on cooking with same complexion as Hakeem. Maybe it is him.

Me: Hakeem baby you didn't have to cook *smiles*

I go up behind him and hug him

Guy: Oh baby you know I would never forget you

I back away knowing that voice, as the person turns around seeing that it's Jeremih.

Jeremih: *smiling*  aren't you happy to see me babe?

Me: Not a tad bit

I slap him scratching his face with my nails ,and take off to the bedroom locking the door behind me. As I breathe heavily, I wonder how the hell did this happen?! I grab my phone trying to contact my family but there's no signal. As I keep trying to get a signal, I hear Jeremih trying to break the door down. I start thinking about Hakeem and Bree, as tears stream down my cheeks. God, Where's Hakeem when I need him? I try opening the doors to my balcony, but they wouldn't budge. As I keep trying to open the doors, I hear the door bust open and turn seeing a furious Jeremih.

Jeremih: Now your a** going to get it

Jeremih grabs and tosses me on the bed

Me: *Screams* NO ..... HAKEEM!!!

*End of Dream*

Hakeem: Angel baby wake up !

I wake up in cold sweat as Hakeem holds me. It was just a nightmare.

Hakeem: it's ok baby I'm here *rubs my back*

I breathe heavily trying to calm down.

Hakeems Pov

I was in the shower just before Angel had her nightmare. I hold her tightly kissing the top of  her head and rubbing her back. I look down at Angel, Seeing that she's staring blankly into space.

Me: Are you alright bae?

Angel nods her head still looking into space.

Angel: Yeah a little bit... I think I low-key need to stop watching scary movies so much

I chuckle

Me: yeah agreed

I tilt her head up and kiss her softly

Me: I love you

Angel: I love you too

After I finally got Angel to go to sleep, I stand on the balcony watching Angel sleep. I already knew that the Nightmare was about Jeremih. I swear I'll kill him. I look at Angel sleeping peacefully.

Me: Don't worry baby... I won't let nobody hurt our family

Will Angel keep having the nightmares?

what will happen next?

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