😡Again with this😡

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Angels POV

The other day was a little bit intense, With mom coming home from the hospital and everything. I'm happy that she's home.I let Bree spend the night since she didn't want to leave moms side. Now, All I have to do is work on the music. Hakeems out doing an errand for mom, While I'm writing down lyrics. As I lowly sing the song to myself, I hear the door to the condo open. I feel a kiss on my cheek making me smile, Knowing it's Hakeem.

Me: *smiles* Hey boo

Hakeem: *smiles* Hey baby

Hakeem comes sits next to me on the couch, moving my legs and putting them in his lap rubbing my thighs.

Hakeem: So what are you working on?

Me: Just some lyrics *smiles*

Hakeem takes away my notebook and lays it on the table. I look at him. He knows when I get to writing, I can't stop.

Me: Why the hell did you do that?

Hakeem: Because your pretty ass needs to relax, you got all day to work on those lyrics bae

I frown at him. But he's right,I just need to relax. I feel Hakeem move his hand up my thigh making me giggle as he kisses me.

Hakeem: *smiles* There's that cute ass giggle I love so much

Me: *giggles* Shut up you make me sick

Hakeem: Oh I do?!

I look at Hakeem for a minute. Before I know it, Hakeem grabs me and starts tickling me.

Me: *Laughing* Oh my god Keem stop haha

Hakeem: *smiles and keeps tickling me* Nope since I make you sick

My loving husband/brother keeps tickling me,making me laugh until tears start rolling down my cheeks.

Me: *laughs* Ok Ok you win damn haha

Hakeem stops tickling me and looks at me. I look back at him. Hakeem slowly leans in and kisses me passionately, making me return the same affection.

Hakeem: *smiles* I love you

Me: I love you too... Now let me up so I can make us some lunch *smiles*

Hakeem gets off of me and I get up and walk to the kitchen, to make us something to eat.

Hakeems POV

I grab my labtop and start working on a little bit of my music, While my sister wife cooks. As I'm working, My phone vibrates. I grab it and see a text message from... Melissa.

*Text Convo*
Me: What is it that you want Mel?😒

Melissa: Well hey to you too damn

Me: Hey now what do you want?

Melissa: I was wondering when are you gonna come back over, so we can finish what we started😉

Me: I don't know if I should

Melissa: Just think about it😘
*End of text convo*

I sigh and put my phone down. I hear sniffling, I turn around and see Angel with tears rolling down her cheeks. I get up from my place of the couch.

Me: Angel before- *gco*



I sigh and try to hug her, But Angel steps back and shakes her head.

Me: Angel baby *wipes her tears* I'm sorry nothing didn't even happened between us.

I'm telling the truth. I haven't slept with Melissa since then.

Angel: *sniffs* Hakeem... You need to go

Me: Ang- *gco*

Angel: *Yells* LEAVE!

I kiss her on the head as I grab my jacket and keys. I turn to look back at Angel before I leave.

Me: I'm sorry... I love you Angel Lyon

I leave the condo and go to my car. I sit there for a while and punch the steering wheel, out of frustration. I sigh as I drive off. We're both mad at this point. Nah, Scratch that pissed. Maybe, we just need some time apart.

What will happen next?

My Love For You (A Hakeem Lyon Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now