🔫The Shooting🔫

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Hakeems POV

I wake up the next morning seeing that Angel is doing her hair in the mirror. I walk up to her from behind and hug her, giving a kiss on the cheek earning a smile from her.

Angel: *Smiling* Goodmorning Keemy

Me: *Smiles* Goodmorning Angie

I turn Angel to face me and kiss her softly.

Angel: ok ok c'mon and get ready

Me: Alright bae

I watch as Angel leaves the room.Damn I love that woman. I go to our walk-in closet and get my suitcase to start packing. This trip is just what my girls and I need. As I finish packing, I feel Bree jump on my back giggling.

Me: *laughs* hey princess

Bree: *smiles* Hi daddy...mommy says breakfast is ready

Me: Ok I'm coming

I pick my daughter up and walk to the kitchen where Angel is.

Angel: Hey baby *smiles*

Me: Hey bae *smiles*

Angel & I kiss as I take a seat at the table. The girls and I eat. After we finish eating, we head towards the car. I watch as Angel straps Bree into her car seat. This trip is really what needed for us. We get in and the driver drives off.

Me: oh I forgot to go give Blake his track

Angel: Then we'll just drop it off on our way to the airport.

I nod. I tell the chauffeur to make a stop at the location.

Me: Stay here

Angel: Okay

I get out of the escalade, But as soon as I step out of the vehicle. I hear Blake and a guy yelling, I turn to see them arguing and the guy pulls out a gun.

Blake: *Yells* Move!

I slam the door to the escalade to the shield the girls, I then feel sharp pain in my side as I fall to the ground.

Angel: *Screams* HAKEEM!

All I could hear in the background was my daughter crying and my sister wife saying my name. I hold my side trying to put pressure

Angels POV

I rush to Hakeems side.

Me: Hakeem.. Baby stay with me

I hold Hakeem as he cringes in pain.

Hakeem: *hissing in pain* damn

Me: *Yells* Blake... Call the medics

I watch as Blake dials 911. I look back at Hakeem and kisses his head.

Me: *tears fall* You're going to be alright baby

Blake: They're on their way

Hakeem: *coughs* don't worry

Really?! Your a** going to tell me not to worry. It's just going to make me worry damn more!  I hear the sirens in the back as Hakeem closes his eyes.

Well that's it for this story... The next one should be up soon. Thanks for reading

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