Family Dinner

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Angels  POV

I wake up to rustling sounds and I turn to see Hakeem getting dressed. I sit up in bed stretching and yawning, Making Hakeem turn around.

Hakeem: So you up now *smirks*

I roll my eyes and flicking him off making him laugh. I get out of bed going to our bedroom bathroom so I could get ready.

Me: What time is it? *turns on the sink*

Hakeem: six thirty... you have time to get dressed Brees already dressed.

Me: Good *fixing my hair*

As I play in my hair, Hakeem comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile at him as I look at him in the mirror. He zips up the back of my dress and turns me to face him, rubbing my sides making me blush.

Hakeem: You know we can just skip the dinner *lightly kisses my neck*

Me: *giggles* You funny... You know damn well mom will kill us if we don't go to this dinner

Hakeem groans because he know I'm telling the truth. Besides I want to see Andre for his homecoming. My train of thought was broken from Hakeem lifting me onto the bathroom counter, as he stood between my legs as he starts planting kisses on me from my lips, to my neck, to the nape of my chest. I moan lowly bringing his face to mine kissing him softly biting his bottom lip gently pulling away. Hakeem looks at me with a frown.

Hakeem: Ang really?

 I laugh jumping down from the counter.

Me: You'll live come on let's go before mama has a fit

Hakeem: *Sucks his teeth* Fine

I pick up Bree and we walk to the car. Hakeem pulls out of the driveway and drives off. During the car ride there, Hakeem has his hand on my thigh not saying a word. We get to Lyon Manor and I see my older brother. Bree almost jumps out of my arms trying to make it to her uncle.

Andre: *laughs* Let her go Ang

I put Bree down letting her run over to Andre, As he picks her up hugging her. I smile watching Andre and Bree hug.

Andre: You're not going to hug me Angel? *smiles at me*

Me: Of course I am *hugs him*

I'm happy that Andre is home again. It was kind of weird without him here.

Hakeem: Welcome home Dre *smiles*

Jamal: Yeah *smiles*

The four of us hug. As we hug, we hear our dad.

Lucious: it's good to have you back Andre *smiles*

Andre looks at dad.

Andre: thanks pop... I need to talk to you about something very important

Cookie: it can wait after dinner Andre

Me: yeah Dre let's go eat

We all sit at the dinner table and say grace and eat. We all talk and laugh as we enjoy our dinner together.

Andre: its great to be home...pop is it ok that i talk to you in private

Lucious: Ok son

I watch as they leave the table. I don't know what it is, but something doesn't feel right.

Andres POV

Lucious and I walk to his office. I can't help but feel guilty about what happened to him, and it's all my my fault.

Lucious: Okay son what do you want to talk about ?

I watch as my father takes a sip of his drink as he looked at me.

Me: The night that we were in Las Vegas, I paid Shine to place the bomb into the car to kill you

Lucious: Wha- *gco*

Me: Hear me out pop... *sad* I thought you weren't going to give me the company at first, but then when you did, I regret doing what I did and I'm so sorry

My father places his hand on the back of my neck as I grab his arm. Then things escaladed quickly, As Lucious tosses me on his desk choking me.

Lucious: *Yells* How could you do this to me?! You're my son!

Me: *Yells back* I'm sorry

Hakeem & Jamal runs into the office separating Lucious and I. I never thought pop and I will ever have physical altercation like that.

Cookies POV

I sit with Lucious trying to figure out what the hell just happened?! After telling me what happened, I was shocked that Andre, My Andre would do something like that.

Me: Are you alright? *rubs his shoulder*

Lucious: Yeah I'm alright... what about you?

Me: yeah... I think I'm going to go ahead and - *gco*

Before I could finish my sentence, I suddenly have trouble breathing.

Lucious: Cooks! *Holds me*

I don't know what's going on and I can't feel my arms. I'm scared

Lucious: Hold on Cookie

Is Cookie ok?

What Will happen next?

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