A day in the park & a picnic

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Hakeems POV

Since the visitation yesterday with Andre, I thought it would be good for me and my girls to go out for a picnic today. I park the car, help the girls out, and also grab the stuff for our family picnic. I spread the blanket out on the grass for my family to sit on, As I do so I hear my sister wife clear her throat.

Angel: Keemy why don't you go play on the playground with Bree while I lay out everything else

Me: You sure about that Ang ?

She nods smiling as I feel our daughter tug my hand.

Angel: Yes, and I'm pretty sure our princess would want some time with her daddy *smiles*

Bree: C'mon daddy

My daughter pulls me over to the playground as Angel giggles faints into the distance. I have to say even though I met my daughter about what four years ago, I love the fact of having her around and having a special bond with her like I should as a father. I watch as Bree struggle to make it across the monkey bars, and falls. I watch as she pouts and stomps her foot as she brushes the dirt off of her jeans. I crouch down to my daughters level.

Me: Are you alright princess?

Bree nods

Bree: I'm fine daddy

Me: You want to give it another try?

Bree: Mhm

I help my daughter onto the monkey bars and go stand at the other end of it.

Me: Ok Bree try to make it to me

Bree: *sighs and nods*ok

Bree jumps and grabs the first bar.

Me: Good now come to me baby girl

Bree huffs and puffs as she goes to the next bar and the one after that, making her way towards me.

Me: C'mon you're almost there  *smiles*

Bree: *Huffs* Almost

I watch as my daughter reaches the end of the monkey bars and jumps down.

Bree: *Jumps up and down excitedly* I did it I did it !

Me: Yeah you did *smiling* I told you could do it princess

My daughter and I high-five each other, Not knowing that Angel was standing there until I heard her laugh.

Angels POV

I was giggling on how cute my daughter and husband bonded on the monkey bars. I didn't want to break Brees concentration, So I just stood quietly and watched them as took some pictures of them on my phone. Bree runs over to me happily.

Bree: *Happily* Mommy did you see me?

Me: *Smiling* Yes I did sweetheart...I'm proud of you.

Hakeem walks over to us and kisses my cheek.

Hakeem: How long were you standing there?

Me: Oh about a while *smiles* By the way the food is ready

Both Hakeem and Bree takeoff to the picnic. I laugh and walk after them. I get to where my family is and see them eating already. I sit down and eat along with them.

Bree: Thank you mommy *smiling*

Hakeem: Thanks baby *smiles at me*

Me: You're welcome my loves

Bree finishes up eating and runs off to play again, As Hakeem lays his head in my lap as I take a sip of my juice.

Hakeem: That was delicious bae *smiles at me*

Me: Thanks boo *smiles back*

Hakeem and I kiss each other softly smiling at one another.

Hakeem: I love you Ang

Me: I love you too keemy

Hakeem leans in to give me another kiss, but before he could his cellphone goes off, seeing that it's dad. Hakeem shakes his head and presses decline making me laugh a little.

Me: *laughs* really

Hakeem: yep *kisses me*

I kiss him back for a while, that is until my cellphone rings. I look at the caller ID, And see that its mom. Damn, it must be important. I answer it.

Me: Hey mama

Cookie: Girl, where the hell is your brother?!

Me: We're at the park mama

Cookie: oh, well listen, I need you, Hakeem, and Jamal to come rehearse tomorrow at Empire

Me: Yes ma'am we'll be there tomorrow afternoon

Cookie: Ok Angel love you

Me: Love you too mama

I end the phone call and look down at Hakeem.

Hakeem: Let me guess going to work tomorrow?

Me: Yea,but let's enjoy the rest of our day Baby *smiles*.

Bree runs over to us and jumps on us giggling. Hakeem kisses our heads and pulls out his cellphone, as I hold Bree.

Hakeem: smile

The three of us smile as Hakeem takes the selfie. I had good day with my babies, I just hope tomorrow at Empire will be the same way.

What will happen next?
How will the rehearsal go?
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