I ain't going in there.

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Rose POV 

"Comrade." I moaned Dimitri chuckled and continue to kiss my neck I quickly got on top of him and realized that I'm not wearing any clothes. Dimitri smiled and winked at me. I groaned and kissed his lips. "One more round." I said he chuckled and it all went down again. 

Lissa POV

"Nuh uh I ain't going in there." Ivan said "Then who's gonna calm her down?!?!" Dr. Olendzski asked since Jill is still crying. "Christian how about you?" I asked "I'd rather go to hell." he said "I'll go." Eddie said "Wear this." Adrian said throwing a army vest at him. Eddie chuckled and Adrian continued to place some ice pack on his head since Jill threw a plate at him.

Eddie POV 

"Hey Ms. Jill, I'm Eddie." I said "Get out!!!!" she yelled throwing a knife at my direction and I dodged it. "Hey I know your angry but I'm here to help you." I said "No your not." she said "Then why will I risk my life to be in here ? I mean you almost killed my friends." I said she wiped away her tears and I slowly walked towards her "Jill you can trust me I won't do anything to upset you." 

She sat up and looked at me "Do you mean that?" I smiled and sat next to her "Yes I mean it." she smiled at me and said "I just want a happy family something that I never had." I smiled and held her hand "You will Jill just not with Adrian, You deserve better." I said I stood up kissed her hand and left. 

Jill POV 

"You will Jill just not with Adrian, You deserve better." Eddie said  he kissed my hand and left. Queen Tatiana came inside my room and sat beside me. "Admit to attempt murder Adrian Ivashkov and I'll grant you mercy." I looked at her in the eye and said "What kind of mercy.?" she smiled at me and said"I will put you in jail for 5 years, you will get to visit your twins twice a week and if you keep a clean record for another 5 years I won't throw you out of Royal court." 

"Fine. I'll do it but every time I get to visit my twins I want Eddie there his the only person that I trust." I said Queen Tatiana smiled at me and said "Deal." she stood up and left my room. 



Sophia POV 

I picked up baby Katya since she  fell asleep on the couch I picked her up open the left side of her crib and placed her inside. I closed her crib and locked it. "There you are." I giggled and pointed at Katya "She fell asleep on the couch so I decided to put her in his crib." I said Daddy bent down to my height and kissed my forehead "Good girl do you want to help me prepare lunch ?" he asked I nodded my head and he picked me up he checked on Katya and we left the room. 

"Daddy where's Mommy?" I asked "She went to the hospital to visit someone." Daddy said we went inside the kitchen and he settled me on the kitchen counter top. He gave me my pink apron and I put it on while Daddy put on a blue apron. He tied his hair into a pony tail and did the same to my hair. 

"What are we making Daddy?" I asked he put me down on the floor and said "Chicken and mac and cheese." I clapped my hands and Daddy told me to wash my hands I washed my hands and he did the same. He cleaned the chicken and told me to dip it in the egg mix and into the flour. I did what he told me and picked up some flour I threw it at Daddy and he laughed. He wrapped his arms around me and sprinkled some flour into me I continued to throw some flour at daddy and he chuckled. 

Rose POV 

I went inside the elevator and checked my phone I opened my Instagram account and saw a picture of Dimitri and Sophia covered in flour with the caption "When your suppose to prepare lunch for your kids but your daughter has another idea." I chuckled and screen shot it I sent the picture to Dimitri and said  "I hope you guys clean that BTW where's Katya?" 

I went out of the elevator and saw Adrian with a band aid on his head "What happened to you?" I asked "Oh while you were in Greece Jailbait threw a plate at me." he said I frowned and said "Jail bait? Can you please tell me what's going on and why is Eddie there in her room making her laugh. " 

Dimitri POV 

"I'll get it!!" Sophia said she opened the door and The Belikov family went in I smiled and placed the food on the table. "You two look awful." Mama said we laughed and Sonya went upstairs to check on Katya. Me and Sophia cleaned our selves and ate lunch with my family.

1 hour later

Rose POV '

I went in my apartment and saw Dimitri and his family I hugged them and I picked up Sophia "I heard you two had fun earlier in the kitchen." I said they laughed and Sophia pointed at the Mac n cheese, chicken and ice cream on the table. 

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