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Rose POV

"Thank you, for doing this." Tasha said "No need to thank me, I'm a mom as well so I know how you feel about protecting Henry." I said she smiled at me and helped me gather the materials. "Okay so we have a problem." Adrian said I frowned and he rubbed his forehead "You and Lissa can't participate in what we're about to do......Since you two are pregnant and I'm not risking your babies." Adrian said I sighed and Tasha stared at us "Can you perform it by yourself?" Adrian nodded his head yes and said "I can, I just need to feed a lot now, but not too much or else I'll turn into a strigoi." 

I left the laboratory and went to the cafeteria and that my favorite snack. I bought 2 chocolate glazed donuts and a bottle of water. I sat on one of the tables and Karolina joined me "What's sup? You look stressed." I wipe my mouth and said "Lissa and I can't join Adrian in performing the spell that will bind the pendant to Henry and Tasha, it might risk the baby." I gave Karolina a donut and she smiled at me "Adrian said he could do it by his own but I'm afraid it might drain him, the spell is strong, Queen Elisa almost died when she performed it by herself." I said 

"Well do you think it will harm the baby?" Karolina asked "Honestly though, I don't know. We checked the books and no moroi has performed the spell while pregnant.....A moroi is much more stronger right? when she's pregnant?" Karolina shrugged and said "I don't know as well Roza, I'm sorry." I smiled at her and said "Its not your fault Lina. Apparently books that are 100 years old and more doesn't hold all the answers, I'm gonna have to expand my resources, I might ask Papa about it though, see if he knows some stuffs." We finished our donuts and we parted ways I went to the library while Karolina went back to check on the kids. 

At the Library:

"Found anything?" I asked Lissa shook her head no and I sighed "None. Christian called his great great grandpa and he doesn't know anything." I took out my phone and decided to call Papa. 

Abe: Hi kid! How are you? Is everything alright? 

Rose: Hi Papa, I'm alright, I just want to know if you know any moroi who performed a binding spell while pregnant?" 

Abe: I'll try my contacts, I'm guessing the binding spell is for Natasha and Henry, right? 

Rose: Yeah. 

Abe: Okay sweetheart, I'll call you back later.Love you take care! Kiss Sophia's head for me. 

Rose: Yes Papa, Love you too. 

"He'll call us back once he finds out anything related to our situation." I said Lissa sighed and rubbed her tummy "I don't know what's stressing me out; our baby getting harmed or the possibility that Adrian won't survive while performing the spell." I chuckled and said "I'm both." Lissa chuckled and we continue to read the pile of books that doesn't seem to end. 

45 minutes later

"Hey I found something." Lissa said I sat beside her and she pointed at the book she's reading. 

Binding Spell 1687

Queen Cirilla the Queen of Northern Atlanta, a spirit user as used a binding spell to bind her life to King Andrew who was dying of  an unknown decease. Queen Cirilla achieved her goal, but another life was tied to King Andrew, the life of their son. Queen Cirilla died at August 8, 1692 during a strigoi attack. King Andrew survived as well as their son. 

On May 8, 1754 the son of Queen Cirilla and King Andrew: Prince Jordan died due to food poisoning. King Andrew died as well at the age of  122. 

"But the spell we're going to do is just to transfer some of the darkness Henry feels to Tasha, the necklace will be the only thing that will bind them." I said "Its still a binding spell." Lissa said"Our blood won't be in the necklace." I said "Has Abe texted you anything yet?" Lissa asked I checked my phone and saw a message from him.

Check out Queen Cirilla 1687. She used the binding spell to her husband but she didn't know she was pregnant so she accidentally binned her son as well. Queen Cirilla died but her husband lived. In short, the husband still lived because he had two persons tied into his life.-Abe 

"When did he sent that?" Lissa asked I read the time and I  blushed "20 minutes ago..." Lissa glared at me and whined "My neck hurts you bitch!" I raised both of my arms and said "I'm sorry I had my phone on vibrate..I'll just buy you your favorite ice cream as a sorry gift." she laughed at me and said "No, I want pizza and ice cream!" I laughed as well "okay fine, my neck hurts as well just so you know." she smirked at me and said "Who's fault is it then?" I threw a pillow at her and she laughed. 

Adrian then came in with Christian and Dimitri and they look happy ''I  won't perform the binding spell, instead I'll use the spell that Lady Insignee used, a spell where she just cast a protective spell on the necklace. The spell is just a piece of cake very easy to do." Adrian said "So as long as Henry wears the necklace, he'll be fine." Dimitri said as well "No darkness." Christian added. "When did you three found out about this?" I asked "An hour ago, why?" Adrian asked I looked at Lissa and we threw the books and pillows at them "MORONS!" Lissa yelled "We have bee here for the past 3 hours reading this stupid books and here you are telling us you'll be using Lady Insignee's spell?!?!?" I yelled the three of them immediately left the library afraid of what we can throw next. "Bitch." I said Lissa and I sighed and we cleaned up the library. 

Adrian POV 

"They are so mad." Christian said once we left the library "Just perform the spell and after that let's buy food as an apology gift to them." Dimitri said "I can't blame them for being mad, since their pregnant." We sighed and went back to the laboratory. I took the family crest necklace that Tasha and gave me and I started to chant, after a few winds and candles lighting up, I gave the necklace to Tasha and my timing couldn't be more perfect. Henry was beginning to feel the darkness and Dimitri is just holding him in his arms, Tasha put the necklace on him and after a few seconds he went back to normal. "Yep it worked." Tasha hugged Henry and we smiled "Thank you so much Adrian, all of you, thank you." I smiled back at Tasha and said "You're Welcome." 

Tasha and Henry went back to their rooms while the three of us went to the cafeteria, we ordered a box of pizza's,nuggets, donuts, fries, chicken and ice creams. We went back to Dimitri and Rose's house and when we arrived Tasha and Henry are already there with a bottle of champagne, even Queen Tatiana is there. We went to the kitchen and set up the food "Dada!" I smiled and gave the twins some nuggets. We went to the living room and found Jill, Sydney, Eddie, the twins and Sophia there. "I heard Rose and Lissa are mad at you." Eddie said "Yep they are." I said chuckling. After a few minutes, Rose and Lissa arrived glaring at us "What?" both of them said "Best friend goals! both of them are pregnant and mad." Christian said laughing Lissa threw her shoe at him and we laughed. Dimitri walked towards Rose and hugged her "Sorry love, I'll massage your neck later." he said "Hmm I like that...You're still sleeping tonight at the couch though...Feel my pain!" Rose said Dimitri stared at her and said "Okay love." 

"Hungry!" Sophia said whining, all of us went to the kitchen and the grumpy best friends immediately ate the food. "I'm guessing Sophia isn't the only one who is hungry." Eddie said "Do you want us to be pissed at you as well?" Lissa asked Eddie took some fries and gave it to Lissa "Hey eat more, your body is feeding two people you know." Eddie said smiling Lissa ate the fries and dipped it into some peanut butter "Eww." Christian said Lissa glared at him and he took some fries and dipped it in peanut butter "Oh wait, its good." He said chewing the food Lissa smiled and continue to eat. Christian then did a gesture saying "Don't try it!" I chuckled and ate the food as well before the grumpy pregnant lady finishes all the food. 

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