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Dimitri POV
"Daddyyyyyy." Sophia whined "Yes?" I asked she climbed on my lap and snuggled closer to me. I smiled and pulled her closer, I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes.

"Ahh there she is." Ivan said picking up Sophia from my lap "Uncle Ivan, I'm sleepy." Sophia whined "Okay, Auntie Karolina is sleeping as well together with your cousins, do you want to stay with them?" Ivan asked Sophia nodded her head yes and I allowed Ivan to take my little girl to her Auntie Karolina.

I looked at my watch and saw that its 5:30 pm already. I went to Alberta's office to sign off and she smiled at me "I saw Ivan doing his Uncle duties earlier." Alberta said "Yeah he adores Sophia." I said.

I left her office and laughed when I felt Rose hands on my waist "I'm sooooo tired." Rose said "Ivan looks so cute carrying Sophia." I laughed and faced her "Everybody saw him. He was bragging Sophia to everyone saying; "You see this little kid? This is Sophia, Belikov's and Hathaway's kid! Better watch out people, this kid will be a bad ass like the parents and Rose is pregnant again! Also guess who's the uncle?Me!" " Rose said

I laughed imagining what the other guardians reaction towards Ivan. "Well what Ivan said is true anyway." I said she smiled and kissed my lips "Hmm we also have another bad ass baby coming." I said touching her belly. Rose giggled and said "Yup."

We went back to the guest suite and saw Karolina asleep at the couch with the kids while Ivan is on the bean bag with Sophia on his chest peacefully sleeping "She might drool on you." I said "Not a problem there's a towel underneath her cute cheek." Ivan whispered I smiled and told my self that Ivan and Viktoria's future baby will be so lucky to have them as a parent I know that because of the way Ivan is taking care of Sophia and the other kids.

"John shhhh." Ivan said to the 6 month old chow chow I chuckled and Rose picked up the dog "Hi buddy." Rose whispered "Oh you're here, kitchen, let's make dinner." Mama whispered. Rose and I grinned and followed Mama to the kitchen.

"Ivan looks so cute." Mama said "He looks adorable." I smiled and said "Babe put down the dog." Rose continued to hug Josh and said "He's cute." Mama chuckled and said "Zoya loves him, Josh follows Zoya everywhere." I smiled and Rose put the dog down. Josh shook his entire body and lay down on the floor.

2 hours later

Ivan POV
I stared at Sophia and smiled "Someday." Vika said sitting beside me I smiled and said "Someday." Sophia yawned and smiled at me "Uncle Ivan." I smiled and squeezed her cheeks "You slept very long little one." I said she giggled and snuggled closer to me.

I stood up and Sophia jumped towards me I chuckled and picked her up "Your very snuggly today." I said she giggled and said "Its cold." I look at the window and saw that snow is starting "Yo guys, snow is starting." I said we went outside and Sophia giggled I held her hand and she looks so happy "Daddy..... snow!!" Dimitri smiled at her and I let go of her hand. She ran towards Dimitri and she continue to giggle.

Hey Guys!
Sorry late update I have been busy the past few days but here's an update its short but its something....
Truly sorry

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