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I sat on the floor in the girls' bathroom, not crying, not thinking, and just staring at the tiled walls.

When the final bell of the day rang, I stayed put not wanting to go out in the hallways and get mocked. No doubt Harper and Jennifer have told everyone what had happened by now.

A while after the bell rang, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw I had a new text message for my father.

From Dad: Where r u honey? Amy and Nathan r already in the car. We r waiting 4 u.

Why on earth was my sister's boyfriend in the car? I had no desire to be around him, yet alone have him come over to my house. I was debating whether or not I should text my dad back, but after a moment's hesitation I composed a short text.

To Dad: On my way.

Sighing, I slipped my phone into my pocket, gathered myself up off of the floor and headed out of the bathroom. After making a quick stop at my locker I started to walk down the empty corridors, heading towards the car park.

After getting through half of the school without dumping into anyone, I turned the very last corner. Instantly my eyes were met with the horrendous sight of two people snogging against to lockers rather forcefully.

I was in the process of looking away when my brain suddenly sprang into action and recognized the two people. The girl was Harper Jay and the boy was Barclay Martin... my Barclay Martin.

So what Harper had said was true, he did cheat on me with her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking past the couple, trying to go undetected.

Barclay is pressed against his locker, the palms of his hands pressed down on the locker with Harper's over his. Harper is pressed against Barclay's body, and she is moving, almost fighting to stay in control as she forcefully presses her lips against Barclay's.

No wonder he prefers her to me, my kisses were simple and gentle, full of love, whilst her are horny and sexy, full of lust.

Barclay's wide eyes fall on me and a look of worry and shock fill them. He looks like he is about to push Harper away from his body, but instead of waiting for an explication, I simply turn my face away and walked down the corridor.

I heard Harper laugh behind me and Barclay called out my name, but I don't turn around. Instead I simply walk the rest of the way to the car, where I swung the passenger door open and climbed into my dad's Land Rover. I fastened my seatbelt and forced a smile onto my face when I turned to look at my dad. I could tell that everyone wanted an explication as to why I was late, but I didn't give one. Finally, after what seemed like minutes, but what was actually seconds, my dad started the car and drove out of the car park.

For the most part, the drive home was silent apart from the occasional giggle from Amy at something that Nathan had said.

After a while, I got quite annoyed, and I snapped. "What the fuck is he even doing here?" I demanded after Amy had finished giggling. The car went silent and nobody answered. My dad looked at me from the corner of his eyes, a disappointed look on his face. "What?" I asked innocently.

"Don't be rude Emily." My dad sighed disapprovingly.

"I just want to know why Nathan is here, that not a crime is it. He is always coming over now a days and I have had enough of his continuous presence. I just wanted to know if he had a valid reason to be coming over." I demanded. I accidently made eye contact with Amy in the review mirror. Her eyes are wide open in shock, and she and Nathan are looking at me with confused looks on their faces.

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