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(Barclay's point of view):

I ran into the changing rooms, ignoring my coach yelling at me to come back. I yanked my locker open and started to pull my bag out.

"Barclay!" Someone said behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Greyson and Scott. "What's wrong bro?" Greyson asked.

"I have to go... I need to see Emily." I said, changing out of my clits and into my trainers.

"Why?" Scott questioned.

"I've got this feeling that she is about to do something stupid." I said, getting up and running out of the changing rooms. I ran into the car park and went straight over to my bike.

"Barclay wait! We are coming with you!" Greyson said, unlocking his bike and getting on to it. Scott did the same and soon enough we were pedalling away from the school building as fast as we could.

As I turn off the main road I took my phone out from my bag and dialled Emily's number with one hand. I know it's illegal, but I need to know. If she answers then she is fine, if she doesn't... If she doesn't...

It goes to voice mail and I let out a desperate sob. I decided to leave a message anyway, just in case. "Hey Em, its Barclay. Are you alright? I don't know how to explain this... But I felt this... This flash of pain and I just felt like something wasn't right. I'm on my way to your house to see if you are okay, I love you." And with that I hung up.

"Don't worry bro, I'm sure she is ok." Scott said reassuringly, and I tried so hard to believe that.

After about seven minutes we pulled up outside the Jones's three storey house. I jumped off of my bike and let it drop to the ground. Then the three of us ran up to the front door and I furiously rang the doorbell... nothing.

I knocked and rang... nothing.

"Emily?" I shouted.... nothing.

I rang again.... Still nothing. I ran my hand down my face is frustration and suddenly remember that the Jones' keep a spare key stuck to the bottom of a plant pot. I searched the front of the house until I found the pot, I turned it upside down and... Yes! Stuck to the bottom of the clay pot was a small silver key.

I took the small silver key and ripped it off the bottom of the pot. I then inserted it into the lock. I turned it two times before the door opened. I stepped into the house, Greyson and Scott hot on my heels.

"Emily?" I shouted. The house was silent, no one was moving, no one was talking, and it looked like no one was here.

"Maybe she went out?" Greyson suggested.

I shook my head and decided to check downstairs in case she has fallen asleep on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and through to the dining room. Nothing seems unusual, so I walked into the living room.

No one was there but there was a pile of broken picture frame on the floor. I walked over to it and crouched down, it's a photo of Emily and Amy.

"Emily?" I yelled louder than before... but still nothing.

I back track through the house and start walking up the stairs. I am half way when Scott called me back down.

"Barclay! Get down here." He yelled.

I quickly turned on my heel and ran down the stairs. I went into the dining room where Greyson and Scott where standing. They both looked like they had seen a ghost.

"What?" I demanded to know, but neither of them answered. I followed their gaze and saw that they were looking at three white envelopes on the wooden table. One had 'Dad' written on it. One with 'Amy' on it and one with my name on it. Suddenly everything clicked into place.

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