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  • Dedicated to Thank you to everyone who has read this book, it means the world to me.


My long blonde hair was flying in the wind. I was wearing a hospital gown, and as I looked down I noticed I was bare footed as I walked through a meadow of flowers. Something about that meadow was familiar, it was like I had been here before.

I took another step and suddenly a gush of wind smacked into me, causing me to take a few steps backwards.

"Emily." A familiar voice called from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with an angel like woman.

She was wearing a long, floaty, white dress and had her blonde hair down. Instead of flying in the wind, it looked more like it was floating.

"Mum?" I gasped.

"Yes, sweet pea, it is me." She smiled as she walked over to me. "Though I must be honest with you, I am a little shocked to see you here."

"Does this mean that I am dead?" I asked.

"No you are not. You are halfway between earth and heaven, life and death. I wasn't sent here to help you make your decision." My mother explained.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Come here sweet pea." She smiled.

I nodded my head and hesitantly took a step towards her. My mum took my hand in hers and led me to a wooden swing that was hanging from an old oak tree.

"Tell me darling, tell me why you killed yourself?" My mum said softly.

"Because all I can feel every day is pain, confusion, and more pain. I feel like the world is a better place without me there, like the people are happier." I admitted in a hushed voice.

"Come here." My mother gestured for me to get up. She guided me over to a marble bird bath, filled with crystal clear water.

"Does this look like people are happier?" She asked. I was about to ask her what she meant when she waved her hand above the clear water.

The once still water started to shimmer and bit by bit it calmed down to reveal a very clear image of Barclay. He had his head in his hands and he was leaning against a wall. I gasped softly as he lifted his head up to reveal tear stained face.

"Any news?" He croaked.

"Doctors said they can't promise anything. If she doesn't wake up in the next twelve hours, then we will know for sure." Amy whispered, walking into the room.

"Why would she do this Amy?" Barclay asked my little sister.

"I don't know. I feel like it's my fault... I just don't know." Amy murmured as she started to cry. Tears were streaming down her face and Barclay got up. He wrapped his muscular arms around her shaking shoulders and the two of the held on to each other for dear life, tears streaming down both of their faces.

To the right of them I saw a huddled group of people. People, who I recognized as my friends. They were quietly watching as Barclay and Amy slowly fell apart.

"I love her so much Amy. I love her with all my heart and I feel like I am going to die." Barclay admitted in a hushed tone.

"I know Barclay. I know." Amy said, "I do too."

And with that the liquid started to shimmer yet again. I look up at my mother and she gestured for me to look back down.

I look back into the water and an image of Amy slowly began to form.

Her hair was shorter and she looked a bit younger than she was now. She was sitting on her bedroom floor, a photo frame clutched to her chest... it was almost like she was talking to it.

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