To Say Goodbye

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Never felt like this before
Never thought I would say this
But I think this is my goodbye to you
I think it's time to let go
Time to flip the page to the new chapter
Time to start my life without you
I know, it's not gonna take over night to let go
It's gonna take awhile
I don't know where I'm going
But I know it's gonna be a long time
I wanna leave tonight
Before that bleeding sun
Comes to life
I hope that one day, just one day
We will collide
I want to hear you beating heart
One last time
Just now, I will always
Go back to you
On day my heart heals
And puts the pieces back together
It will beat for you again
Right now
My heart is broken
So I don't know what I feel
Your disappearance left me
Speechless and different
I'm not in the best mood
But once I feel better I will go back to you
I feel frozen
But I can't fucking move
The first day of autumn
The leaves fall
I'll hold on like leaves and
Fall to what is left
I will fall like the leaf
And you'll be the tree standing
I love you
Never doubt that
Seems like all the autumn leaves
Are falling
Seems like your the only reason
For it

sad and broken (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now