Welcome to Tatooine

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I wonder what he's thinking? Ami thought. As Cai's pilot, she saw him in situations that no one else would. Not that, many people got to see him. He was a ghost. But she saw more of him than even his Master. She had seen his worst, and she had seen his best. Not many people could say that they've seen a cold-hearted assassin break down in tears. She could say that. Cai wasn't like most assassins she had piloted for. He had a hint of goodness in him. If you were lucky, he would let his guard down long enough to feel bad for you when you were having a bad day or an even rarer occurrence would take place. He would tell you how he was feeling.

She watched him as he listened to his PROXY droid's analysis of some guy named Obi-wan. Wait a minute....... Obi-wan Kenobi? Oh no! This was not good. Ami took a quick glance at Cai. He was preoccupied. Good. She raced past him and into her bedroom. In a haste she pulled her hologram from her bag. "Senator Organa! Senator Organa! do you read me?"

"Loud and clear Thalkin. Whaddaya got for us?" The senators voice sounded almost gleeful.

Ami took a deep breath. "My target has been given a new mission and it is someone the Alliance relies on heavily. His new mission is a Jedi Master, General Obi-wan Kenobi."

The senator's daughter, Leia appeared. "Ami, you cannot let him kill Obi-wan! You must do something!"

"Leia! You don't understand! This is Cai we're talking about! Cai Baegon! One of our best friends growing up! Listen, we're on course for Tatooine. Meet me there. We'll talk about it. Thalken out."

"Will do. Organa out."

She silently made her way back to her seat. She knew he was bound to ask questions, something like that never escaped his attention.

"Where'd you go?" It was a simple question.

She threw him a smile. "My bedroom. I wanted to check something." It wasn't a lie, so he shouldn't be able to call her on it.

"What did you want to check?"

That sly peice of fodder. "I have an appointment with a friend. We are getting together soon and I wanted to check the date."

He didn't look like he was buying it. One eyebrow was arched up. "Ok."

OK? That was it? Ok? Wow, that was unusual.

"Can I get back to piloting now?"

Contu wielded her lightsaber with extreme precision. The weapon had become an extension of her arms. She tried to ignore the looks of jealousy that Laeta was throwing her way. He really wanted to finish his training, but there was no one to help him. "Master, how soon until we reach Tatooine?" It was a legitamite question.

"We should be there soon... Laeta?"


"How long until we reach Tatooine?" Obi's eyes gleamed with excitement. Excitement for what? Contu had no idea.

Laeta checked his controls. "Uh... in about an hour. According to the flight pla......."

His voice trailed off as he took a glance at the radar. "We're being followed. An unregistered fighter plane. By the looks of it, it has it's cloaking mechanism on."

"Then how can you see it?" Contu raised an eyebrow at him.

The skepticism didn't faze him. "If I've paired up with a ship before then I can see them on my radar no matter what. I recognised this one...... The owner of this ship's named Cai." Laeta shook his head. "He's not a nice guy."

Obi narrowed his eyes at him. "Why not?"

"Well, he's a dangerous guy with a block of ice for a heart." Laeta scowled.

Contu raised an eyebrow. "Why'd you have to pair up with him?"

"Cos he needed info about a planet that I visit almost daily. His pilot's nice though. Ami. She's nothing like him." Laeta smiled at the thought of her. A button on the dash beeped and lit up. "Uh? Hey Obi? We're coming up on Tatooine early. Must be solar drift going on today."

"Land nearby the dunes." That was the command from Obi-wan, and though Laeta didn't understand why he was given that command, he followed it through. The landing was rough. A sandstorm ripped away at the small cruiser. It took every ounce of Laeta's strength and knowledge of piloting to land without crashing. The cruiser touched down with a thud and was swept yards before lodging itself in a sand bank.

"Why in all that is good and wonderful did you have me land by the dunes?" Laeta ran a hand through his hair. "You're crazy, old man."

"I've heard that one before. The old man thing is new though." Obi grabbed Contu and dragged her out of the ship. "Come! My home is close by!"

With Laeta not far behind them, Obi led them through the storm and into a small cliff home. "This is where you live?" Contu quizzed.Althoigh she was skeptical of the home, she saw Laeta sit down and get comfortable. "Obi? Why have you brought us here?"

"Because here I can keep tabs on a certain someone and I am also able to train you. Laeta does not have to stay." He sat down and dropped his hood.

Contu took off her coat when she could've sworn she heard footsteps in the back of the home. "Uh, Obi? Does someone else live here?"

Her Master raised an eyebrow. "No, I live here alone. Why do you ask?"

"Shhh! I hear it too!" Laeta stood.

Suddenly the footfall's owner came out into the open. "Calm yourselves. I am no threat."

Obi-wan jumped up. "Who are you and why are you in my home?"

"Why Master Kenobi! I'm offended! You don't remember me? How is Master Electra?" It was a girl, she was younger than Obi, with butt-length blonde hair. Her eyes were green with a light that screamed excitement. "I am Jedi Master Sheema Canva. You need not fear me. Now I ask again, how is Master Electra?"

Obi looked her over in thought. "Electra? You mean Lima? She is well. She asks of you often. You wouldn't happen to be the girl from the hotel would you?"

Contu detected a hint of..... embarrassment?

"That's me, Ben. I hear you have a child in need of a Master to finish the training?"

"Yes we do indeed. His name is Laeta."

"Well Laeta." She turned to the boy who's hand was on his blaster. "I offer you my services as a Jedi Master."

Contu walked over to him. "Well, do you accept?"

He ran a hand through his auburn hair. "Yeah. Sure. I accept. But I can keep piloting right?"

Ugh. Priorities. "Yes, Laeta you can keep piloting."

"Good. Come on, I'll show where I'm at in my training." He bowed low to her and the two went into the back.

"The hotel, huh Obi?" She waggled her eyebrows at him. He scoffed.

"She and I were tracking the same person and it led us to a hotel on Mandalorin. Nothing like that."

Contu narrowed her eyes. "Lie."

He sighed. Not even Annak....... Vadar could see through him like she did. She was a very powerful girl. Why were the girls always so much more powerful? "She came to a hotel where I was having a rendezvous with a special woman. She caught us. It was VERY embarrassing."

"I would guess so!" Her eyes were widened at the thought. Could you imagine having an intimate moment with someone and a young girl shows up and ruins it? B. A. D. "So....." Changing the subject. "What do we do now?"

"We train."

Cai looked out over the dunes of Tatooine.

"So the hunt begins."

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