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Hello! No, this not a chapter..... I just wanted to know if I should start releasing parts of the prequels to this story..... Traitor and Rebel. Those are the titles..... I obviously can't release the second book yet but I could start releasing those. Another lovely writer is writing a third prequel called Into The Purge. Let me give you some info on these three prequels.

Traitor- This story is all about Cai. How he became who he is in this book and it also deals with his relationship with Ami and the Skywalker siblings more.

Rebel- This is all about Obi-wan, Master Kashaak (Lima/Electra) and their son Conai. It deals with how Obi and Lima met, fell in love and everything that transpired afterwords.

Into the Purge- Yes, this is an official prequel even though it's written by somebody else. (The great and wonderful IssieKnight) This story is about Master Sheema Canva. How everything with her went down and her search for Obi, her brother.

Ok? Those are the three prequels to this trilogy. Should I start releasing Traitor and Rebel? Or should I wait till the trilogy is done? (Into the Purge is already released on IssieKnight's account.) I need feedback! Please comment what you think I should do! Thanks a billion! -Jasmine

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