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The night had been uneventful... At least it had been for Contu. She awoke to sounds of rustling and the sense of confusion. "Where could they have gone?!"

"Who?" She asked groggily. Obi-wan grabbed her by the shoulders and stood her to her feet.

"Your brother, Cai and his pilot, Ami have decided to play hide and seek."

"Are you sure he's still here?" She wasn't awake and didn't know what her lips were saying. "We know Vadar wouldn't come to him but what's keeping Cai from going to Vadar?"

Her words caught Master Canva's attention. "I'll go see if their ship is still here."

"No need, Master Canva. Cai and I are both still here." Ami said, emerging from the shadows. She said nothing else though questions were asked. Instead, she walked over to Contu. "Do you know how to sense thoughts, padawan Wan-gi?"

Obi stepped forward. "If she doesn't, I do."

Ami silenced him with one finger held up. "I am speaking to Contu and no-one else."

Contu, in her sleepy state, nodded. "I can but it's difficult... It often happens by accident!"

"Good... Try to sense my thoughts... I don't know what I am feeling... I need the simplicity of a child to tell me." She looked back at Obi. "We adults complicate everything."

He laughed... "Indeed we do."

Contu focused everything she had on the young woman before her. She let the force guide her.... She heard voices but knew that no one was talking... It was Ami's thoughts she was hearing. "You're confused and a little hurt...."

"Yes but there's more... That's what I can't figure out." Her voice was urgent.

Contu smiled. The last feeling was one of Contu's favorites... "You're in love.... That's it isn't it? Love?"

Ami jumped up... "I guess I am... I never thought that I...."

Sheema laid a hand on her shoulder. "I know exactly how you feel. I never thought I could fall in love... Yet it happened... Not to mention you always had a thing for Cai. Even when you were little."

"I did not!" She yelped. She would do anything in her power to keep from being seen as a love sick child.

But the only thing that her little outburst did was make Sheema laugh... "Yes you did! That was why you volunteered to go undercover in the Empire as a pilot! You were the best that Organa had! You wanted to make sure that you could keep an eye on him!"

Contu sighed. "Does it really matter? It's in the past! Where is Cai?"

"Vadar made contact through hologram..." Ami wimpered. "Cai's preparing the ship to return... He told me to come say goodbye because we're leaving."

Sheema had been busy paying attention to Layla when the words hit home.

"He's doing what?" She asked, unsure if she had heard her correctly.

"He's preparing the ship to leave. He wanted me to come say goodbye for him." She seemed ashamed to even think of it!

Something inside Sheema snapped, this was once her boy, she had spent countless months searching for him to bring him back to her and the light. Now he was ready to slip away again? Why would he do this to her? To his entire family?

"Ami, show me where the ship is." She said through gritted teeth.

"Uh, Master Canva? He really doesn't want to see anyone... He wants to leave in peace!" Ami cowered under the Jedi Master's stare.

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