Chapter 6- Where were You?

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   "What did you just say?" Zoe questions.

   "I said, I love you," I repeat myself.

   "Don't you think we're going a little fast?" Zoe asks.

   "There's no such thing of going too fast. You never know how much time you're going to have with the one you love." I tell Zoe with a loving look.

   "Oh, Lexa—"

   "You don't have to say it if you don't want to," I say while cutting off Zoe.

   "I was just going to say... I love you too."

   I looked into Zoe's eyes with tears of joy filling my eyes, the tears of joy soon because of tears of sadness. As I watched Zoe get stabbed through the chest with a long sword. I dove into Zoe's body as she fell to the ground, I caught her just before she fell.

   "It's ok Zoe, you're going to be ok," I say while crying.

   "I- I guess you were right, you never know how much time you're going to have with the one you love," Zoe whispered.

   Just like that, after she told me those words, her eyes closed and she was gone forever. I was feeling so much sadness, but the feeling I felt the most was anger. I stood up, and slowly directed my head towards the person who killed Zoe.

   "Lucias? Why would you? Why?" I question.

   "I did it for you, you can't fall in love with a human."

   "Grrr... Why the fuck would you do that." I growled at Lucias.

   "Ok, calm down, you can't turn, you'll kill me." Lucias tries to calm me down.

   "I hope I do."

   I turn into my werewolf form and started charging towards Lucias. I've never hated someone so much in my whole life. I knew that I was going to kill him right then and there, but I couldn't do it. Even though he killed the person I loved, I couldn't do it. I went towards my clothes and changed back. Then I walked toward Lucias and said,

   "This doesn't mean that I forgive you, I just can't bring myself to kill you."

   "Sister, thank—-

   Then Lucias looked down to find the same sword through this chest. It wasn't me who killed him. When Lucias' body fell, I saw Skylar standing there, with blood on her face, and her hands shaking. She also had tears coming down her face. I had no emotions with my brother dying, not a single one. I stared at his body, watching the blood pour out of him. Skylar fell to her knees, sobbing loudly. I run towards Skylar comforting her.

   "It's alright, you're going to be okay." I comforted Skylar.

   "Z- Zoe, s- she's dead." Skylar sobbed

   "I know, and I'm sad too, but we have to be strong." I declared.

   "Hey! Lexa! Are we... What happened? Why is Lucia's dead, and..."

   Raelynn's eyes widened, and tears started to fill her eyes. She saw Zoe on the ground, and it just ruined her. Raelynn turned around and put her face into Blake's shirt, she started to cry. Raelynn and Zoe were friends since grade school. I haven't seen Raelynn like this in a really long time, it almost made me want to cry. I have to stay strong for everyone here, the cry would just make everything worse.

   "Blake, please take me home. I can't stand to be here a single second more." Raelynn begged.

   "We have to go get your sister first," Blake tells her in a calm voice.

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