Chapter 12- She's Back For Now

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    I was rushing to find the doctor, to get some type of answers. I ran all over the hospital but had to stop sometimes so I wouldn't change into my werewolf form. I finally found her in a corner, looking more frightened than ever.

   "Doc, what is it?" I asked.

   "It's worse than I thought, I've only heard the legends. But the life or death twins are born." The doctor stuttered out.

  "Legends? Never mind that, you need to tell us everything you know about the life or death twins."

   The doctor and I walked back to the others who were freaking out, especially Blake. Raelynn was surprisingly calm, probably because she just gave birth to the most adorable twin ever. The doctor quickly runs to the little library in the hospital, and grabs and huge book with the title, The Secret Legends.

   "EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND COME SIT DOWN," I yelled in a demanding voice.

   Everyone came into Raelynn's room and sat down to hear what I had to say. More of, what the doctor had to say.

   "Okay everyone, the doctor may have some answers for us. She has a book here, with information about the life or death twins. So listen up." I announced.

   "Okay, here is what the book says about the life or death twins." The doctor turns to a bookmarked page in the book. "The life or death twins are even more dangerous than just a life or death demon. They are definitely, not the same. The twins are two different demons, one is the life demon, and the other is the death demon. These demons can be taught to use their abilities but haven't been shown successful yet. It is very important that the twins do not touch. If the twins were to touch, they would combine into one. When the transformation is complete, the only way to split them up would be if they kill over 20 people. Be warned, that the children who combine will not be the same people. When the twins are born, they will grow very fast until the age of five. After they reach this age, only then will they be able to be taught how to use their abilities for good and not evil. It will not be good if one of the children turns evil, this could lead to world destruction. Take care of these twins, and make sure they are taught right."

   "Wow, that sounds really creepy," Skylar says.

   "The twins aren't near each other, right?" Blake asked.

   "No, no they're not," Raelynn answered.

   "Since 9 months pass for the kids in about 3 days for us, that means that we have a little less than 21 days before they turn 5 and stop growing fast," Skylar says smartly.

   "So we don't have to call them, "the kids," do you have names for them yet?" I asked curiously.

   "Well, of course, the boy is Drake," Raelynn said, annoyed. "And the girl is, Zoe, after Skylar's sister."

   "Really!?" Skylar says with tears filling her eyes.


   "Okay, we have more important things to worry about right now. Now that the kids are born, there will be people coming after us and those babies. We're going to need a new hideout, and I have the perfect place." Derek blurts out.

   "nos adducere ad me" Derek reads off a spell.

   Everyone started to glow, and we suddenly all appeared in a huge house. We all fell a short distance, while Blake and I were holding the babies.

   "Derek, what the hell?" Blake yells at Derek.

   "Yeah, and where are we?" I also ask Derek.

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