Chapter 18- In His Eyes

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    "Z, that's impossible. Your mother is dead." Blake said, while on one knee.

   "Um, well it's not completely impossible. She could have the angel gene." I suggested.

   "We already looked all over for her when she died." Blake said.

   "Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry for asking." I apologized with a low voice.

   "It's okay, you wouldn't have known." Blake said trying to cheer me up.

   "I guess it was just my imagination them," Z says sadly.

    I walked over to Z and comforted her. After we all calmed down and figured everything out, we noticed that we were one person short. We all looked around to see who was missing, it was Drake. When everyone started to freak out again, we heard a noise from the bushes. Everyone takes out their weapons and puts their full attention towards the bush. I couldn't believe who walked out of the bushes. Zoe walked out with Drake.

   "I think this belongs to you," Zoe says while pushing Drake towards us.

    "Zoe? What are you doing here?" I asked.

    "Well, I was just walking by, when, um... what's his name bumps into me." Zoe answered.

     I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disappointment. "His name is Drake."

    "Well, sorry," Zoe said with a snotty voice. "It's been a few years, I'm not going to remember everyone's names. Like you with the light brown hair, I'm blanking on your name."

    I looked at Zoe with a weird face and said, "Zoe, that's your sister, Skylar."

    "Really? That's you Sky? Man, you really grew up." Zoe said.

    Without letting Skylar respond, Blake butt in. "So, what are you doing around here Zoe?"

    "Well, a year ago these punks took a friend of mine. I still haven't found them yet. I've been looking for a long time now."

    "We're not doing anything, can we help?" Blake asked.

    "Uh... I don't think that a good idea." Zoe turned down Blake's offer. "I think I should be going, I still have some places to look."

    Again, I watched Zoe walk away from us. This time was different though, this time I knew I wouldn't see her again. Until I heard the words that came out of Blake's mouth.

   "We should follow her, help her out. We have nothing better to do." Blake announced.

   "Your right about us having nothing else to do, but Zoe already said she doesn't want our help," I responded to Blake.

   "I just need to get a good fight, let out some anger."

    When Blake said that, you could see the anger he was holding in. I mean in his eyes, it's like fire, it's kind of scary. I had nothing else I could say, so I told him that we would follow her tracks. Luckily I still had her scent, it wasn't too far away. The farther we followed her, the darker the forest we were in got. Z and Drake were fast asleep. I told Blake that I could change to my werewolf form to carry both of them, but he insisted on carrying both of them.

    We have been walking for about 10 miles, and suddenly Zoe stopped. I looked through a bunch of bushes to see what she was doing. It seemed that she spotted a campfire about half-a-mile away. Soon, instead of walking, she started sprinting. We could tell that she found who she was looking for. Once we reached the campfire, Zoe ran out with her katanas. We would wait behind the bushes until she need help. She started talking to them, kept asking for her so-called friend.

     "Where is Max?! Either you tell me, or I kill everyone here." Zoe said in a fiery yelling voice.

     "Well, I sorry to say, but you're outnumbered." The leader said with a half smirk on his face.

      "I'm not outnumbered, my friends are behind the bushes pretending I don't know they're there," Zoe said speaking slightly louder towards us.

      We all walked out of the bushes looking prepared to fight, although the kids were half awake.

      "Oh my, two weak demons and a measly human. Oh, and what's this, two tiny children. Ha, you call this a fight." The leader laughed right in our faces.

      "You know... the two tiny children just so happen to be demons. And I'm not so sure you want to know, what type of demon they are." Zoe glared toward the now, shaking leader.

      "Oh shit, you don't mean..." The leader began.

      "Yeah." Zoe still glaring.

      "We're not dealing with this, Wes, get the girl." The leader demanded

       Girl? I thought Max was a boy. Maybe I'm just overthinking, maybe they're just friends. Least I thought that before Max came running towards Zoe, and they made out for a few seconds. What is this that I'm feeling? Is this what I think it is? Is this...


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