Chapter 8- So That's What You Meant

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I walked into the house with a big box in my hands, and I walk inside the house.

"I got donuts, everyone!" I yell out noticing that no one was there.

Raelynn then walked downstairs and said, "Oh, Lexa, where have you been?"

"I thought that I would go and get some donuts for everyone. Speaking of, where is everyone?" I asked.

"There still sleeping." Raelynn answers.

"What?! It's 11 o'clock!" I say shocked.

"I guess everyone's just tired," Raelynn tells me.

After half an hour, everyone came downstairs. Of course, the donuts were gone in seconds after they started eating. Then, I started getting that feeling again, like someone was watching us. I had that feeling ever since Skylar and I came through that portal. I was worried, but I didn't want to freak anyone out over something that could be nothing. After the four year loss, I kind of feel, out of place. Raelynn and Blake have a family, Derek has a niece. Then there's Skylar and I, who just came back, and were exactly the same age and person. So much has changed, and I don't feel right anymore.

"Is something on your mind Lexa?" Blake asks out of concern.

"Huh, oh, no, just thinking," I responded hesitantly.

"Lexa, you have been thinking a lot lately. What's wrong? Is it the four years that you missed out on?" Raelynn questions.

"Yeah... actually, I'm feeling a little out of place, and it weird with you guys being so old," I respond.

"Old, I'm 22, you bitch," Raelynn responds angrily.

"Raelynn!" Blake screams hold his hands over Mia's ears.

"Oh, my, gosh, I'm so sorry." Raelynn apologizes.

Well, I know what makes Raelynn mad now. At that moment, something happened. I couldn't move, no one could move. Except for... Mia. A group of men come rushing in, they were wearing the masks from back on World X. One of the men grabbed Mia. I struggled as much as I could, but nothing, I couldn't move a single inch. The men kept talking about leaving as soon as possible, because of running out of time. I don't know what he meant by that, but I was assuming that it was when this freezing thing wore off. I had a direct view to Raelynn, I could see a tear come down her face. I not even sure how she could cry, but I guess our eyes weren't really affected by the freezing power. The men quickly opened a portal to World X and left. When they left, the portal disappeared and we unfroze. Raelynn went straight to her knees, and Blake just kept pacing back and forth. I was worried, Blake looked very angry like he was going to kill someone. I ran over to Raelynn and comforted her. She kept saying it was her fault, but we all knew it wasn't. To be honest I felt like it was my fault since I didn't tell anyone about my feeling. We all went to the table to talk about who might be after us. Blake was looking scarier by the second, his eyes turned red and he started to clench his fists. I've never seen him like this before, never in my whole life. I guess being a father really changed Blake.

"So, any ideas of who these people are." I break the silence.

Blake hits the table making it shake, "I don't give a shit who these people are, we know where they are, so let's go and get my daughter!" Blake yells with anger.

"Blake, you need to calm down, we all want to find Mia. But we have to make some sort of plan before we go killing everyone and thing." Raelynn tries calming Blake.

We stayed at the table for maybe two to three hours coming up with plans and who this could be. We didn't come up with mostly anything, just some theories, and guesses. We were almost about to quit and just go with Blake's plan, until... the phone rang.

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