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-Tzuyu's POV-

The wedding is today

I still cannot believe this

Unsurprisingly, the fans really loved the idea and a lot of them supported us

Though secretly I want them to absolutely hate it and go against it so that I can back out of this whole thing

But hey, a girl can dream...

Jungkook: Tzuyu, you ready?

Jungkook is going to be walking me down the aisle instead of my dad. My dad doesn't want to be apart of this fake wedding and I don't want him to be either, I want him to be at the real one, not the fake unreal one

The company was actually so against it at first cause it wouldn't seem real, but really, there's nothing they could do about it so they caved in at the end

Tzuyu: Well, no, never, but let's just get this over with *sigh*

Jungkook slightly nodded his head. He kissed me on the forehead quickly making sure no one could see us and took my arm in his, walking me down the aisle

I really am lucky to have a guy like Kookie. Not only did he hide his jealousy and anger even though I can feel it raging in him, he even supported me and stayed with me

I walked down the aisle and faced Taehyung at the very end, he gave me a slight smirk and took my hands in his, making it real

Officiant: We've gathered here today to celebrate......

I didn't pay attention to what the officiant was saying. I was too lost in my thoughts, thinking about all of what was happening, what was going to happen, Jungkook and Taehyung...

I took a look at the man across from me, there's no denying he's handsome. His perfect facial features, his charming charisma, his alluring aura....

What am I thinking??

Taehyung saw me staring and winked at me, he gave me his signature box smile and started playing with his tongue, running them over his lips slowly

I could feel Jungkook fidgeting behind me. I silently reached behind and grabbed his hand, assuring him, and I could feel him loosen up a bit while grabbing my hand back and squeezing it before letting go

Officiant: Do you, Kim Taehyung, take Chou Tzuyu to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Taehyung: I do *smirks*

Officiant: Do you Chou Tzuyu, take Kim Taehyung to be your lawfully wedded husband

I don't

I don't want to, I don't with all my heart and soul, I don't want to marry him

Tzuyu: I......

I stuttered for a bit, I could feel a mini panic attack coming and I didn't know what to do

I suddenly felt a hand on my back, rubbing it up and down

Tzuyu: I do

Officiant: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride

Taehyung came closer to me and leaned in. My first instinct was to back away, but I didn't, I stood there and let his lips touch mine

As soon as our lips touched, my whole body tensed up. I didn't know why but...but I could feel a spark between us when we kissed. His lips were soft and I melted at his touch

He soon slowly backed away, a huge smile plastered on his face, not a smirk but a smile

-Taehyung's POV-

The wedding soon ended and I got a call from Jennie right afterwards

Jennie: You free tonight?

Taehyung: No, I just got married with Tzuyu and I need to pack my bags now. I need to move in with her tonight

Jennie: Move in with her?? I thought you two are just getting married for more publicity!

Taehyung: We are, but the company even bought us an apartment and told us we have to live together

Jennie: Does that mean we can't have 'fun' as usual? I can still come over at nights right?

Taehyung: Yeah, I'm not going to miss out the 'fun' just cause I'm married to her *laughs*

Jennie: Gotcha, well, maybe tomorrow then. Miss you baby

Taehyung: Yeah, bye

Jennie and I aren't in a relationship if that's what you're thinking. We just 'hang out' at nights and have 'fun'. Nothing serious

I went back to the dorm and started packing my stuff to move in with Tzuyu. I don't know why but knowing that I'm going to be moving in with her gives a tingling feeling in my heart

Wonder what that is

It's nothing right?

I'm just over thinking things...

A/N: I promise I don't have anything against Jennie. I really love her and Blackpink as well, I just needed a 'bad character' so I chose her cause she gives off a cool and savage vibe😂

So don't get me wrong and don't start a fan war on me aha

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