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-Tzuyu's POV-

I kept my eyes on Taehyung and studied his expressions as Jungkook went to talk to him

My eyebrows arched together in confusion when I saw him wiping his eyes. Is he crying??

I made a few steps closer to them so I can get a clearer view when Sana approached me

Sana: Hey Tzuyu

Tzuyu: Oh Sana...hey

I kept my eyes on Taehyung and didn't even bother to look at Sana when I talk to her

Sana: So...how are things going between you, Jungkook and Taehyung?

Tzuyu: Fine, fine

Sana: Who're you looking at?

Sana traced my gaze to Jungkook and Taehyung and I saw her shot her eyebrows up when I finally turned to look at her

Sana: Is Taehyung...crying?

Tzuyu: That's what I thought as well...

Sana: Why though? And why did I see him ignoring you in the morning?

Tzuyu: I don't know too, things are honestly complicated between us...

Sana: Do you like him?

Tzuyu: I-I...honestly don't know, on the other hand, there's Jungkook...and—

Sana: Do you love Jungkook?

Tzuyu: I don't know what love is Sana

Sana: Does he make you feel safe? Protected? Loved? Warm? Jealous when he talks to someone else?

Tzuyu: All of the above...

Sana: Then you're in love

I sighed and rubbed my temples as I focused my gaze to Taehyung once more

Sana: How about Taehyung? Does he make you feel these things as well?

Tzuyu: Y-Yes, but he's different. Jungkook's kind and sweet to me and everything I want in a guy, he makes me feel myself and he makes me feel like I'm above and beyond when I'm with him. Taehyung on the other hand is more complicated, but he makes me feel special, and there's just something about him that I can't resist, like I'm under his spell or some sort when I'm with him, a-and I just can't get enough of him...

Sana sighs and gives me a weak smile

Sana: You're in love alright, but with two guys at the same time...

I shook my head and looked at the two guys in front of me, still talking

Tzuyu: It's nothing...I-I'm not in love, it's just some stupid crush maybe...

Sana just sighs again as she went to talk to Jeongyeon

It's not love I'm feeling


Sana has just mistaken


Jungkook: Hey Tzuyu

I jumped as I saw Jungkook next to me, giving me a weak smile

Tzuyu: Aish! You scared me!

Jungkook giggles as he mumbles an apology

How I've missed that little giggle of his

Jungkook: So, I've talked to Taehyung...

Taehyung! I've almost forgot about him!

Tzuyu: Tae! Was he crying? Why? And what did he say? Wa—

Jungkook: Woah, slow down, yes, he was crying...h-he also told me to send you a message...

Jungkook's voice trailed off as he said that, and the cheesy smile he had on his face disappeared as well

Tzuyu: Y-you're scaring me here Kookie...what is it?

Jungkook took in a deep breath as he looked from the floor and up to my eyes continuously

Tzuyu: Kookie...

Jungkook: Tzu, Taehyung doesn't want you near him again...


It took a while for me to process Jungkook's words in my mind before I could feel my heart stop and break into tiny pieces

Taehyung doesn't want me around anymore...

Tzuyu: W-why?

My voice squeaked as I sputtered my words out. I could also feel myself getting dizzy as I ran Jungkook's words in my mind once more

Jungkook: H-he's mad at you, and he wants to stay away from you...Tzuyu I'm—

Tzuyu: No! You're lying! It can't be true! Taehyung wouldn't! Y-you're l-lying!

Something inside my blew as I heard Jungkook repeat what he said, and I couldn't help but accuse Jungkook for lying

Because Taehyung wouldn't

He wouldn't do this...

I don't believe it

I don't

Jungkook: Tzuyu, it's true, I'm not ly—

Tzuyu: IT'S NOT! I-it isn't, he wouldn't do this! W-why?

My voice was shaking as I sputtered those words out. My heart couldn't handle it

Taehyung hates me

And I don't know why

What has I done to make him want to avoid me?

I placed a hand on my heart and I could feel it thumping out of my chest

I could feel myself getting more and more weak as tears blurred my eyes. My legs eventually gave in as I fell to the floor

Jungkook: Tzuyu...

Jungkook tried to help me stand back up but I swatted his hand away

Tzuyu: Don't touch me! You're just jealous that I spend more time with Taehyung so you made this all up! I-it's not true!

My heart hurts so much...

But why?

Why does it hurt so much?

What are you doing to me Taehyung?

A/N: Whoops, sorry for the late update, but I just want to thank all of you once more cause I opened the Wattpad app a few days ago, and imagine my surprise when I found around 200 notifications...
Thank you yall so much and I'll try and update as fast as I can❤️

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