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-Tzuyu's POV-

Taehyung: Tzuyu...

Taehyung came closer to me, he held my face in his hands and rested his forehead on mine

Tzuyu: T-Taehyung I—

Before I could say anything more, Taehyung backed me up to the bed and carefully but impatiently pushed me down

Tzuyu: Taeh—

A pair of lips smashed on mine, preventing me from saying anything once again

He kissed me passionately, hungrily, like he had been waiting for this for a long time now

And I have too, I've missed this, I've missed him

I didn't want the kiss to end, I just wanted it to go on forever, be in Taehyung's arms forever, be his forever

And I could tell that he felt the same

Tzuyu: T-Tae

I managed to utter out his name in between kisses and he responded with a simple hum

Taehyung: Hmm?

I used all my strength and managed to pull away from him

Tzuyu: As much as I like this, we need to talk

Taehyung took a deep breath and nodded

Taehyung: Yeah...T-Tzuyu...you're right, in fact there's something I need to tell you

Taehyung rested his hand on my left cheek and scooted closed to me on the bed

Taehyung: T-Tzuyu, I......beep beep beep beep...

Tzuyu: Huh?

Taehyung kept forming words in his mouth, but all that came out were beeps

I cocked my head to the side, confused as to what was happening

I rubbed my eyes twice and found myself looking up at the ceiling of my room

I sat up startled and saw the alarm beeping next to me

Tzuyu: Oh for fucks sake

I took the alarm and smashed the button on top

It was all a dream

All a goddamn dream

But heck it felt so real

Everything still so vividly in my mind

Like it all really happened...

Sana: Never thought I would live to the day that I'd hear Chou Tzuyu swear *chuckles*

I was so engrossed in my thoughts to notice Sana sitting at the end of my bed

Tzuyu: Sana? H-how did you get in?

Sana: The manger gave me the key card, I was hoping that we could go out for some shopping today, like a girls day. After all, we are in Paris

I rubbed my eyes again, hoping to make me wake up and adjust to the cruel reality more

Sana: Nightmare?

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