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-Jungkook's POV-

Tzuyu: *shrieks* HELPP!

I turned and see Tzuyu holding onto my arm tightly and burying her head in my chest while screaming for her life as the rollercoaster came down from a huge drop

I chuckled at how cute she looks and used my other hand to pat her head

Jungkook: You cute big baby

Tzuyu: I-It's scar—

Tzuyu shrieked again mid-sentence as the rollercoaster came down a huge drop again

I couldn't contain my laughter and laughed out loud. I had been a little afraid of going on the rollercoaster at first too, but seeing the sight in front of me made my forget that I was even on a rollercoaster to begin with

Tzuyu: Yah! Stop laughing Kookie pabo!

Tzuyu gave me a really cute glare and puffed out her cheeks as the ride came to a stop

I squeezed her cheeks lightly and gave her my biggest smile

Jungkook: You're just too cute

Tzuyu huffed and crawled off the rollercoaster, I followed her and took her hand in mine

Jungkook: Wanna go on another rollercoaster?

Tzuyu: No way!

Jungkook: Fine...

I laughed and led Tzuyu to the princess roundabout

Jungkook: You're not gonna be scared on this are you?

Tzuyu: Yeah, of course I will be *rolls eyes*

I laughed at her sarcasm and we got on the ride together. I helped her get on her horse by lifting her up like a big baby and placing her on top of the horse

Tzuyu: *giggles* Thanks

I gave her a cheeky little wink and climbed on a horse near her, the ride soon started and we just took selfies together the whole time

After the ride ended, we decided to go get something to eat, when I saw someone familiar in the corner of my eye

I squinted my eyes to make out the familiar figure and saw Kim Taehyung, of all people, sitting in a booth of the restaurant

With Jennie

Laughing together...

Tzuyu: Hello? Earth to Kookie?

Tzuyu waved her hand in front of my face and gave me a little smile

I snapped out of my trance and faced Tzuyu again

Jungkook: O-oh, yeah...actually you know what, let's go on another ride instead

Tzuyu's eyebrow arched slightly and she gave me a small pout

Tzuyu: But I'm hungry Kookie...

Jungkook: B-but—

Tzuyu ignored me and took my hand and started to pull me towards the restaurant, we were getting closer to Taehyung and Jennie and I started panicking

I couldn't let Tzuyu see them

I didn't know what to do and quickly turned Tzuyu around, I pulled her towards me and I kissed her

Our lips met and I soon found both my hands on her hips, her hands running through my hair

We continued kissing until Tzuyu was the one who slowly pulled away

Tzuyu: W-what was that?

I narrowed my eyes to where Taehyung was and saw him looking at us with a stern expression, his fists clenched on the table, and him ignoring what Jennie was saying next to him

They then stood up and walked away, I breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to Tzuyu again

Jungkook: You know what, I'm hungry too, let's grab something to eat

-Taehyung's POV-

You've got to be kidding me

I look up for a second and see Jungkook and Tzuyu, my Tzuyu, having a full on make out session a few metres away from me

I closed my eyes and opened them again, hoping what I was seeing wasn't real. I felt my tears filling up the corner of my eyes and my heart breaking once again

Jennie: Taehyung! Did you even hear what I was saying? I was talking about how the staff here is s—

I grabbed Jennie's hand and led her out of the restaurant

Jennie: W-what? Our food hadn't even arrived yet

I ignored her and pulled her away from the restaurant, away from them

I finally stopped as we reached a corner, I pushed the confused Jennie against the wall and started kissing her

I kissed her passionately, brushing my lips against hers, hoping to take my mind off what I just saw

Instead, it did the exact opposite, I slowly found my mind going back to Tzuyu, and even myself imagining the girl I was kissing to be her

I grabbed Jennie's face and devoured her lips even more, imagining them to be Tzuyu's the whole time

It was like a drug I was seriously addicted to, a drug I couldn't take my mind off, a drug I couldn't get enough of

And that drug's name is Chou Tzuyu

I broke off the kiss when I finally came back to my senses and saw Jennie smirking at me

Jennie: Well, I'm full now *smirks*

I was about to say something when I saw a pair of eyes staring at me, at us

I turned towards the familiar pair of eyes, and there I saw her

My drug, my addiction

Chou Tzuyu

A/N: So sorry for the late update guys! I hope this makes it up!❤️


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