42 (season 2)

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Taehyung's POV

Taehyung: I've missed you

My arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to me and my hand cupped her face, bringing her lips closer to mine

Taehyung: You're perfect

My lips met hers and they started moving together in sync. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me even more closer to her

I took her thighs and wrapped her legs around my waist. I took her to the bed and gently laid her down

Taehyung: I've missed you so so much

I started trailing kisses down her neck, my lips meeting her soft skin and leaving my mark on them


My head jerked up as she called me

Taehyung: What is it beautiful?

"Baby wake up"

My head cocked to the side in confusion and I suddenly felt a sharp sting on my left cheek

My eyes widened in shock and surprise and I found myself suddenly looking up at the ceiling of my room

The girl next to me giggled annoyingly and I sat up in bed with my hand on my cheek

It was all a dream...again...

Taehyung: What the hell Jennie?!

Jennie: Were you dreaming about me baby? You called me beautiful in your sleep

I rolled my eyes and sighed

Taehyung: Yeah yeah sure, whatever you say

I got up from my bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up

I splashed my face with ice cold water and looked at my pathetic reflection in the mirror

Eye bags were visible under my eyes, my eyes were red with exhaustion and my hair was all in the wrong places

I let out a sigh and splashed my face with cold water once more

I threw on some clothes and pulled on my usual disguise so that no one would notice me and headed out

Jennie: Tae! Wait up!

I groaned at the sound of her voice and quickened up my pace, but it was no use

Jennie: Baby, were you just going to leave me at your apartment?

Taehyung: Don't you have a concert tonight to get ready for? You know, the reason why you're even here in the first place

Jennie: Don't worry about that, I've already had enough practice. You're more important baby

Jennie suddenly took my hand in hers and I immediately yanked away, feeling disgusted

Taehyung: Just because I let you crash in my apartment last night, because your manager apparently forgot to help you book a hotel room, and just because I let you sleep in my bed, because I'm a gentleman, doesn't mean that there's an 'us', so for god's sake stop this Jennie

Jennie: Don't tell me you're still not over that bi—

Taehyung: Shut up Jennie! Get your own life and stop following me. You have a world tour to get ready for so please focus on that and stop following me!

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