17) Irina's Abduction:

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AN: Music for this chapter (on repeat): I Miss You by Blink 182, Save Me by Remy Zero, Ashes to Ashes by Hans Zimmer from Black Hawk Down Soundtrack, This Woman's Work by Kate Bush, Fear by Sarah McLachlan



*I Miss You*

As soon as they landed in LA, they threw themselves into helping the CIA locate Sloane and Cuvee. For almost two months, every time they had a lead, it would suddenly run cold, leaving them no further along in their investigation then they were before convincing Jack that Sloane had a mole working inside the CIA.

Both Jack and Sydney spoke with Irina at least once a week since they'd last seen her, checking in on her condition and the baby. Father and daughter had actually started having weekly, porch-swing talks about a wide variety of topics but mostly, about how much they missed being with Irina.

Sydney had told her father all about the beautiful little town in the country where Irina was born and had spent the earliest years of her life. She told him about Vaughn's family, and how overjoyed his grandmother was to find out she still had part of her son alive in Vaughn.

Jack was could hear the excitement and awe in Sydney's voice over the time she'd spent with her mother and he was elated, that she was finally getting her mother back.

It was on a Monday morning in late October that Jack awoke with a terrible feeling that something had gone terribly wrong. He called Sydney to make sure she was ok and then tried Irina...multiple times with no answer on her emergency line. By the time he arrived at work, he was panicked and already making flight-arrangements to St. Petersburg.

"Dad, what is it?" Sydney stood in the entrance to his office, watching as he hurriedly threw papers into his briefcase.

He motioned for her to come in and shut the door. He took out his pen to give them time to talk without the CIA hearing. "I can't get a hold of your mother. Something is not right. I just know it. I'm going to her."

"Well have you tried Katya?" Sydney asked trying to keep the panic from her voice.

"Yes, no answer." Jack looked up and placed a hand on Sydney's shoulder.

"You think Sloane or Cuvee's gotten to her?" Sydney's eye's started to tear up. "Don't you."

"I don't know what to think, I just know something is not right if both your mother and her sister aren't answering their phones."

Just then Jack's secured cell phone started ringing.

"Bristow." He answered quickly, hoping it was Irina.

"Jack. She's gone." Katya's quivering voice came over the line and Jack sank into his seat.

"What happened?" He felt the bile rising in his throat and swallowed it. "Start at the beginning."

"Last night, we... we were getting ready for bed and Irina said 'goodnight.' She went upstairs and I went into the kitchen with Dmitri, the next thing I know is that Dmitri is falling to the floor beside me, I turned to look and a man dressed in black, wearing a ski-mask has just shot me with something. As I slid to the floor a short man with grey hair and glasses appeared, telling the men to search the rooms for Irina."

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