Chapter 13

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“Jack!” Ivy screamed, struggling even more. She felt weaker and weaker, the enchantment on the metal draining her powers by the second. Her head hung down in defeat as she slackened. As her resolve faded away, a little beam of light lit up the room. A familiar, otherworldly voice filled the space.

“Ivy, pick your head up, dear. Hope is not lost.”

“Who are you? Where are you?”

A man, dressed in white, stepped out from the shadows, the light bending and refracting towards him. 

“I am the Man in the Moon.”

“Wait, there really is a man in the moon? Katelynn told me he was fake.”

“Katelynn has lied to you many times, about many things. She discovered her origins a bit earlier than you, I’m afraid. Though, she was always destined for darkness, as you are destined for the light.”

“Okay, you’ve lost your marbles, dude.”

He only laughed.

“Seriously, you’re creeping me out, big time.”

“What I’m about to tell you may be difficult to understand, but please try.”

“I don’t really have a choice, do I?”

“No, not really. Let me start from the beginning. Do you believe in God, little one?”

“I guess so, why?”

“Long ago, before there was life on Earth, there was only the dark. God knew this darkness must be balanced. So it created light. From this light, and this dark, beings were created. Angels and Demons, heaven and hell. From Demons, Pitch was created, and I was created from the Angels. We represent the balance on Earth. Breaking the rules, a Demon and an Angel fell in love. They fell from Heaven and Hell, respectively. From this forbidden love, a child was created. It was supposed to be a single child, with both light and dark swirling equally within its veins. But it was too much for a single child to bear, so it became two. Twin girls, born from a fallen Angel, and a fallen Demon. When the girls were born, the effort it took to bring an Angel and a Demon into the world, was too much for the fallen Angel to bear. She passed away soon after the two were born. The fallen Demon tried to kill the two girls for killing his love. He could not, however, and killed himself instead. This left the two orphans. I took in the Angel child, and Pitch Black took in the Demon child. The two grew up, neither knowing what had transpired at their birth. Neither knew they had a twin, and grew up happily. It was determined that on their 17th birthday, a great battle would take place, and both would perish, for dark cannot completely extinguish light, and light cannot completely extinguish dark. We were terrified of losing you two girls. We sheltered you, until your 17th birthday. An epic battle was fought between you two, and you both perished. I was crushed by your death, and Pitch Black took full advantage of my grief and unleashed the Dark Ages. Eventually, I recovered, and brought forth the new Guardians. As the balance of Light and Dark are tipped, the two girls will reappear to balance out the scale.”

“I don’t understand what this has to do with me.”

“You are the Angel child.”

“No way. That’s not possible. I’m just... me.”

“I know you well, daughter. I thought this might jog your memory.”

In his hands, he held a small silver chain. Hanging from it was a little silver charm, a vertical line with three strikes through it. Ivy remained motionless, staring at the object. 

“May I?”

She could only nod. The Man in the Moon clasped the necklace on, and the moment the cool silver touched her skin, she gasped. She could see everything. There was a little blonde girl, running down a grand hallway, white dress flying as a man chased her. She howled with laughter when he caught her, tickling her sides.

“Stop it, Papa!” She giggled. 

Flash forward a few years, and there is the girl, an innocent sixteen year-old. She moves in time with the music, twirling from partner to partner. A silver tiara graces her head, blonde hair tumbling against the white of her dress. 

Another flash, and she is dodging blasts, dressed in a familiar green top, feathery wings beating quickly. A blast hits her, sending her flying backward. White light shoots out of her hand at the girl she is fighting, then, both of them a gone as their blasts hit the others.

Another flash, and she is seventeen, skating on a pond with a brown-haired boy and his sister. He flings his sister out of the way as the ice cracks and he goes under. The blonde teenager pounds on the ice, tears pouring from her eyes.

Then, Ivy is back in the present, looking up at her foster father. “Papa!” She cries, tears filling her eyes. 

“Oh, my daughter.” He reaches towards her, then checks himself at the black metal encasing her wrists. “Go, use the power you know you have, and free yourself.”

“Okay.” Focusing her mind on the chains, the light intensifies, slicing through the metal and freeing her. Ivy stands up shakily, collapsing on her father. “Papa, I did it!”

“You did, my dear. But you do know what this means, correct?”

“No, I can’t leave you, not when I’ve just found you.”

“But you have to. You’ll see me again. Don’t worry, daughter. Go now. Fight your battle.”

“Alright. I love you, Papa.”

“I love you too, Ivy.”

*A/N wow what a sh*tty update i'm soooooo sorry*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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