Chapter 7

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She would have to find a way to tell him, before this new girl, Ivy, got in the way and she drowned in her own regret and sorrow. 

She flew away from a puzzled Jack. Shaking off his confusion at Tooth’s behavior, he flew towards Ivy’s house. When he landed on the branch outside her window, he could see into the room. In the light of day, the large room looked very different. In one half, the walls were a greenish blue color, a small white dresser, a little built-in closet, also white, and a medium sized white bed. White fairy lights were strung up underneath the window, Hakuna Matata written on the wall in black duct tape. A dream catcher hung next to it. On the bed were matching blue-green sheets, with zebra striped pillows, a brown teddy bear, and a laptop. That side was clean, no mess littered the floor, clothes were in a hamper, and the bed was made. 

The other half of the room was painted pink, with a large brown bed, with all pink sheets and a laptop. No stuffed animals were present over on that side. A huge closet was set near the bed. Not much decoration was on the walls, only a single lamp, and a few pictures. In the middle of the two halves, was a large bay window with a seat. Clothes were strewn everywhere, trash littered the floor. Jack could easily tell who’s bed was who’s, just by looking. Ivy’s was the side with blue-green walls, and Katelynn’s was the side with pink. As he continued to look around, his eyes settled down upon Ivy, sitting on the window seat, surrounded by books and papers. He walked out along the snow covered branch, and tapped the window lightly. She started, knocking over a pile of books. Anger settled over her features as she picked them up, until she glanced out the window. When she noticed Jack standing outside, she made a face.

Jack’s P.O.V.

What is she doing with all those books and papers? She looks so pretty with her hair pulled up like that... I guess I should get her attention. Oops, I scared her. Oh my goodness... that face is absolutely adorable... with her tongue poking out like that. And her eyes are all scrunched up, oh my. 

Ivy’s P.O.V.

I was having a peaceful afternoon, just trying to finish up some homework that I didn’t finish in study hall. Katelynn never finishes her homework, and she always gets in trouble for skipping classes. Since it was nearly Christmas break, there wasn’t a ton of work, but still enough to take up my afternoon. My hair was up in a messy bun, and I had on some leggings, and my favorite hoodie. It had “THIS IS MY TOO TIRED TO FUNCTION HOODIE” written across it. I had just finished up the paper for English, when a light tap on the window scared me. I knocked over my books, and with it, my completed assignments. It had taken me forever to finish those, and now they were scattered along the floor. Ugh. I looked at the window, trying to figure out what had caused me to startle. Jack’s face appeared, and I pulled a face at him.

Third Person P.O.V

“Well, angel, you gonna let me in or not?” Jack smirked when he said angel, knowing fully well the meaning behind the affectionate name. 

She stared at him for a moment, before relenting and letting him in. The second he was through the window, she was being squeezed, and warmth flooded throughout both of them. The force of Jack knocked them both to the floor. He turned at the last second so she landed on top of him, and wouldn’t get hurt. Jack rolled, and flipped them. He hovered just above her. They were close enough so that he could see the fly-aways sticking out of her bun and the makeup on her face. Her lips were so close, so soft-looking, so kissable. Jack didn’t want to push her, so he sat up instead. She sighed at the loss of contact between them. Noticing this, Jack took her hand. 

“Did I startle you?”

She pulled a face.

“Not a bit.” Every word she spoke was practically dripping sarcasm. 

“Sorry. So, Ivy, I was wondering if you were busy this afternoon. I wanted to take you somewhere. But if you have stuff to do, I understand. You looked like you were-”

She placed a finger to his lips, effectively shutting him up.

“It’s fine, really. Calculus really isn’t that fun.”

“Oh okay. Now tell me, do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?”

“I did when I was little, until Katelynn decided to teach me otherwise.”

“What would you say if I told you she was real?”

An adorable half-smirk spread across his features, mischief flashing across his eyes.

“I don’t think I would believe you on that.”

She was hesitant, pulling back from him a little bit, unspoken questions forming on her lips.

“Do you trust me at least?”

“Of course I do.”

 “Then come with me.”

*Wow these chapters are soooo short. I'm sorry :( 10 votes for an update Tuesday?*

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