Chapter 3

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Each Guardian scattered, as it was close to Christmas, and North was getting anxious. 

“Wind! Take me back to her!”

Jack was lifted up and blown out of Tooth’s palace. The wind carried him back to the quiet suburb where she lived. He lighted down upon a branch out behind her house, and frost swirled down the trunk from where he rested his staff accidentally. Jack looked towards the house, and spotted a lit window. Two profiles were visible, and they seemd like carbon copies. Only one had straight blonde hair, and the other straight brunette. They seemed to be arguing, over what, he couldn’t tell.

“I’m telling you, Katelynn, when I was out walking today, I felt someone’s presence! It felt important.”

“And I’m telling you, Ivy, that you’re just a freak. ‘A presence’? Get over yourself.”

“Whatever, Katelynn. Sorry for wanting to confide in my sister.”

Ivy. The name suited her. Her eyes were somewhat the color of ivy. So lost was Jack in the sight of the mystery girl, he nearly didn’t notice the lights flickering around the two girls. The shadows bent and twisted, revealing winged outlines. Ivy’s were large, white, feathered. Almost like an angel. Katelynn’s were also large, but jagged, torn, and pitch black. 

“Wait, pitch black?” 

Jack blinked his eyes, and the shadows were still there. How were the girls not seeing them? They were huge and obvious. 

With one last, “You’re insane.” Katelynn stalked out. As she left, her shadow morphed. It changed into something long and skinny. Into Pitch. Jack could all but hear his spine-chilling laugh echo out into the night. He involuntarily shivered, something quite unusual. He longed for the warmth that Ivy had provided earlier that day. His attention drifted back to her. She was now curled up on a bay window, leaned against the cold window, and wrapped in a fleece blanket. Her hair hung in a slight curtain, cutting off her expression. She sat like that for a moment, before brushing her hair behind her ear, and looked out the window into the cold, snowy night. Jack hovered up to the window, looking right into her eyes. She started back, hands flying up to her mouth. 

A muffled, “Oh my God,” escaped from behind her hand.

“Can... can you... see me?” Jack ventured. 

She nodded slowly at first, gaining speed. They continued to search each other’s eyes. Breaking contact, she scrambled to open the window. Jack remained outside, even after she opened it. 

“Well, are you going to come in?” Her voice was soft, innocent sounding. 

Jack close his mouth, not even noticing that he had let it fall open. He lighted down across from her on the window seat. 

“So, you really can see me?”

“Yeah, I guess I can. What’s your name?”

“I’m Jack. Jack Frost actually.”

“Like the Jack Frost? As in ‘Jack Frost nipping at your nose’ kind of thing?”

“Yeah, except I’ve never nipped at somebody’s nose.” He blushed a bit. What was he doing? Where did his sense of humor or sarcasm go? This girl made him nervous, nervous to mess up, lest she stop believing. She stripped Jack down, not quite to his center, but the layer just above it. No one he had ever met was able to do that, or put him at a loss for words. It baffled him, yet seemed like deja-vu.

“Why do I have the feeling I know you?” She questioned quietly.

Jack’s P.O.V

“Why do I have the feeling I know you?” She questioned quietly.

Oh God. Her voice, I could just sit here and listen to it forever. I’m getting the same feeling, like I’ve seen her green doe eyes somewhere before. The slope to her shoulders, the way her thin fingers brushed her hair out of her face, the pale, almost dusty, pink of her lips. The way her collarbones were delicately defined, the spattering of freckles across her nose and under her eyes. 

“I don’t know, angel. But I’m getting the same feeling.”

Woah. Angel? Where did that come from? And why does it feel so familiar, so right?

Ivy’s P.O.V

I was enraptured by him. The little swirls of frost decorating the top of his sweatshirt, the tips of the sleeves, the bottoms of his torn up brown pants. He seemed so familiar, yet so different. An image of a boy, in a dark brown cape, shaggy brown hair, and chocolate eyes, flashed through my head. He looked strangly like Jack. The face was the same, but the coloring off. The way his white hair caught the light in my room, the way he sat with one knee pulled up to his chest. My body aches with wanting to touch him, run my fingers through the hair at the base of his neck, bury my face in his chest, tangle our fingers together. This is killing me. I need him. I reach out, and place my fingers on his cheek, and he stiffens. 

Jack’s P.O.V

She reaches, places her fingers on my face, and I stiffen. 


“Yes, Jack?”

The warmth that spreads from her touch relieves me of my fear that Pitch is lurking by. I carefully lean into her touch. Suddenly, I need more. I need her fingers clutching at my sweatshirt, I need to tuck her in between my legs, burying her face into me. I crave her touch, heck, I crave her. I remove her hand from my face, and her face drops. This kills me, and I interlock our fingers. I pull her into my body. 

“I feel the same way.”


Let me start off by saying I"M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED. It seems like I blink, and it's already Sunday evening, and I've done nothing. I really am trying to update sooner, but it's just not working. Thank you guys for all the reads, votes, and comments. It makes my day when I get a notification that someone commented. And in case you haven't already noticed, I'm very detail oriented. I want my readers to have a very clear picture in their head. So, yeah. Enjoy, and happy reading!

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