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Idk if this is too personal, but does your friend Zeke struggle with depression?

I don't know, why?

Never mind, maybe I'm wrong...

No, please tell me...I want to know if he is so I can talk with him about it

So today I was walking through the halls and I had a load of books to carry, and I accidentally ran into him. When he was helping me pick up some of the books that slipped out of my grasp, I saw some fresh cuts on one of his arm when his sleeve rolled up...idk if I was imagining it but I'm actually concerned.

Oh my gosh, I've never even noticed before. Zeke and I aren't really that close so maybe that's why. He's on the team, so we usually are around each other a lot but we've only had a few one on one conversations. And I'm concerned too. I feel terrible for not noticing

It's definitely not your fault for not noticing. When someone is dealing with depression that severe, they make sure no one finds out because it's hard for them to let people in. A lot of the times their own parents don't even know, let alone friends. Please don't feel bad.

Yeah, definitely. It just breaks my heart that we're around people that struggle with depression everyday, and we never know. I've probably passed thousands of hurting people, maybe even millions, and I didn't do anything.

I know how that feels, it's a terrible thought. I just want to help the ones that are hurting in this world, and it's great that you do too.


Could you get closer with Zeke? I just know that he really needs people to be here for him as he's going through this. I just have a lot of experience on how to cure depression and I think that he really needs that rn.

Of course, that sounds like a great idea
And how do you know so much about depression?

I struggled with it really bad in the past...



I had no idea.
You wanna tell me what happened?

Yeah, but it's pretty serious

I can handle serious, don't worry Perry❤️

so my dad left us last year for some blonde model that he had been sleeping with for a few months...
I barely see him or speak to him and honestly I don't want to for what he put my family through.😅
After never hearing from him and having to take care of my mom, it took a toll on me and that's when the depression kicked in.
I locked myself away for days at a time and just cried, hoping that I would see my dads car pull up in the drive way, and that he would walk through my bedroom door and say that he was sorry and that he didn't mean it. But he never did.
It didn't get better until a little over four months ago, when my mom found out and I could open up with her. We even went to a special doctor in Jacksonville and it helped a lot.
So yeah haha I'm sorry if that was a little depressing. I just feel as if I could tell you anything, idk...

Please don't apologize. I appreciate that you shared something so personal and deep with me
And I'm so sorry for everything that you're Dad put you through, I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you and our friendship and how amazing I think you are
You didn't deserve that. No one does.

Thank you for caring ❤️ it means a lot...and I appreciate our friendship too

No problem ;)
And you're the first friend I've had that can actually be serious with me, I appreciate that

No problem❤️
I'm gonna head to bed now ahhh but thank you so much for talking with me


night ☺️

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