Chapter 3: Tease.

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It's been two weeks since you met Jungkook and every Friday and Saturday night has been occupied with him.
He's been a gentleman ever since that Saturday night. He brought you flowers every time he came to pick you up at Angel's place. You still didn't trust enough for him to come to your apartment, but trust wasn't the only problem. You were a bit embarrassed by your two bedroom apartment, because you know he's used to much fancier places.

There's so many things you've been keeping from him. Where you grew up. Where you work. Where you live.
Each time he'd ask, you'd change the subject. You did feel bad, but he's been holding back too.

You still don't know what role he plays in Bangtan and you're a little afraid to ask. The fact that no one knows him, could be because he's a hitman. You did not want to know that. You didn't want to think like that about him when you're starting to fall in love with the man. Who wants to know that the man they're seeing, kills people for a living? Not you, that's for sure.

The more you tell yourself to back out of this whole situation, the more you push yourself in. Every date, you tell yourself to break it off with him and leave, but every time you see him, it's like he's trapped you. He is the hunter and you are indeed the helpless little prey.

This is the fourth Friday that you stand in front of your closet, not knowing what to wear.
This time, it's another party, so you have to dress up real fancy. You went through your whole closet to find something and came up with nothing. Every dress was either too short or too tight. You sigh and plop down on your bed with a groan.

"Why don't I have anything to wear???" you complain to yourself. Not long after, there was a knock on your door. You get up reluctantly to open it. "Who is it?" you yell on your way.
"It's me!" Angel's voice came from the other side. "Hurry up! We don't have much time." you roll your eyes and open the door for her.

She was carrying two shopping bags in one hand and a vanity case in the other. You frown at her.

"Did you think I'd leave you to your own mercy to dress yourself for a fancy party?" she rolls her eyes and heads straight for your room. "Come on! Clock's ticking!" you sigh and follow her. "I found us perfect dresses for tonight!" she says and she puts everything down on your bed.

"Angel, how many times do I have to tell you not to buy me clothes?" you shake your head.
"Two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-five times." she said casually. You laugh a bit and she pulls a dark purple dress out of one of the bags. "Here you go. This will look great on you." she hands it to you and you hold it out in front of you.
"Uhm.. This is a little revealing, do you think?" you raise a brow at her. "It's freezing outside."
"Just put it on. That black coat of yours with go great with it." She turns to the other bag. "Besides, it's always warm inside the place, so you'll only be cold for a few minutes." she looks at you and smirks "It's also easy to remove." you frown at her and she wiggles her eyebrows.
"No!" You suddenly realise what she's insinuating. "We're not gonna do it!" she rolls her eyes.
"Girl, you need to. When was the last time you actually had sex?"
"Three weeks aren't that long!" you put your hands on your hips.
"With a hottie like Jungkook, it is." she said and starts taking off her shirt.
"It's not about how hot a person is!" you protest, then sigh. "We almost had sex a few times, but he's always the one to stop." you stare at the dress. "I don't think he wants me that way anymore." Angel laughed.
"You idiot. Didn't he say that he wants to take things slow?" she says and you shrug.
"I didn't expect him to stick to his word."
"Because he's a criminal?" she asks and rolls her eyes. "You need to get over it. Jungkook really likes you." her face turns serious. "He won't hurt you. You really have to start trusting him." she smiles. "Besides. I can see you're already head over heels for him."
"I'm not. I barely know him." You say and she shrugs.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night." she says and goes back to her dress.

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