Chapter 11: Love? Love.

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You wake up slowly and alone. You blink slowly before everything comes back to you and you sit up, stretching before getting out of bed, your bare feet touching the cold floor. You wiggle your toes a few times before standing up and walking out of the room. When you got downstairs, you realise how quiet the house really is. And for the first time since you've been there, you could hear the TV, even though it was just a soft echo.

You make your way to the living room. You tilt your head slightly as you enter it, finding it empty. You purse your lips then decide to switch the TV off. Just as you reach the couch closest to you, you hear faint snoring and you notice the pair of feet hanging off the arm rest for the first time.
You peak over the couch, eyes softening when you see Jungkook, sleeping soundly. His hand is wedged between his cheek and the pillow, that's squashed against the armrest, which makes his cheek look extra puffy. His mouth is slightly open, his other hand hanging off the couch. Even though his feet are hanging off the armrest, his knees are bent slightly. You walk closer to him, bending down so you can be closer to his ear. You feel bad, because he doesn't even have a blanket with him. You study his face for a few seconds, seeing how tired he looks, dark rings threatening to show beneath his eyes. The pink tint around his eyes didn't go unnoticed by you either.

You sigh softly. Half of you feeling bad for taking over his room, causing him to end up here. The other half wondering why he didn't sleep in one of the spare rooms. You put your hand on his shoulder and shake him softly.

"Jungkook." you say softly and he hums in reply. "It's cold down here, you should go to bed." you say and he frowns slightly, eyes still closed.
"You're cold?" He mumbles and you smile a bit.
"No." He shake his shoulder softly again. "Come on. Go sleep in your room." He sighs and sits up slowly and you stand up straight.
"Morning." He mumbles again. You smile as he rubs his eye like a child, his hair sticking in all directions on the one side.
"Hey." you say. "Where is everyone?" He stands up from the couch.
"I'll make coffee, babe." He mumbles, his voice all groggy. Before you can question him about the pet name, he softly kisses your lips then walks to the kitchen. Taken aback, you stand frozen as you watch him walk toward the kitchen, shoulders slumped and he's slightly limping. You're not sure if you saw him open his eyes, you realise and quickly run after him.

"Jungkook, are you even awake?" you ask and he turns to you, opening his eyes a bit.
"Y/N?" He blinks a few times, frowning.
"Come on." you take his wrist softly and tug him. "You look horrible." you say and he pouts.
"It's not my fault for not sleeping." He closes his eyes again and you frown.
"Are you sleeping?" you sigh and turn around, pulling him with you. "Come on, Jungkook. Open your eyes. We have to go upstairs." you look at him and he hums in agreement but makes no effort to move. You roll your eyes and put your arm around his waist and his arm around your shoulder.
"Ah, my baby is trying to carry me." Jungkook says sleepily, his head lolling forward. You blush and frown at him.
"Don't fall asleep!" you pull him. "Are you drunk or just tired?"
"Tired." He mumbles and walks up the stairs as you help him. You smile softly.
"Cute." you whisper to yourself.
"I know." Jungkook says and you quickly look up at him. His face was still the same, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. There was no amused smirk to indicate that he's messing with you. With a sigh and a massive struggle, you drag him up the stairs to his room.

"I swear you're worse than a drunk person." you say as you help him lie down on the bed. You cover him with the duvet, pulling it up to his chest. He pushes it back down so his arms could be free and put one hand behind his head. You sit down on the bed with a sigh as you watch him. His eyes are less pink and puffy now, and his lips are parted slightly and pouting at the same time. You can see his front teeth between the gap in his lips and can't help but giggle softly at how childlike he looks right now. Before you can stop yourself, you softly run your fingers through his soft hair, smiling to yourself.

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