Beginning of the End ~ Sarah

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Hello. My name is Sarah Nieves, I'm 17 and this is how it started.

It was a normal day in school and I was going to my final period class when I heard a noise. There were a lot of teens, any of them could have made the noise, so I just shrugged it off. When class was over I stayed to help out the teacher clean up. Finally I finished helping when I heard the noise again. The wierd thing, for me, was that it came from a door. I didn't want to know what made the noise so I ran home. My mom asked how my day was and I just said it was fine. I thought I would tell her about the noise but she wouldn't care.

Now it is the next day of school, the day it happened. I was heading to my first period class when the noise was heard again at the same place. This time it was loud and everyone heard it. What we heard next was not the same as the noise before. This noise shocked all the teens, some were even scared. What we heard was a cry for help. I saw my friend Arianys, who was also 17, run to a security guard, Bill, and told him about the cry for help. The guard came to the scene and told everyone to go to class. Since I was just a little curious, even though I was scared, I stayed to watch. I didn't want to do it alone so I dragged Arianys along. We both hid somewhere and watched the whole thing.

We saw Bill, the guard, go up to the door. "Open the door now," said Bill. "Come on, I'm here to help, please open the door." The guard then gave up, took out his keys, found the one to unlock the door and was about to open the door. "Okay, I'm coming in." The guard finally open the door and had a shocked and scared expression on his face. Arianys and I didn't see what he saw but this caused him to instantly close the door but something stopped it. What stopped him was a hand, the hand was covered in blood and looked kinda broken. The door then shot open to show a girl around 16 years old covered in blood and bite marks. There was also a boy who looked around her age and was covered in blood and bite marks just like her. They both then looked at Bill, the guard, and jumped on top of him. What freaked Arianys and I was the fact that they were EATING him. When they decided to stop they ran to a classroom and closed the door. It wasn't a moment later that we heard screams coming from the class. Arianys and I came out of our hiding spot to see Bill dead, or so we thought. We decided to go straight home since we didn't want to die. While we were running we looked back to see the guard up and ready to attack. He was acting just like the kids so we ran. We ran till we lost him. So the we ran outside hoping this nightmare would end, but we were wrong. It only got worse.

Everywhere hundreds of adults, teens, and children that looked like Bill, the girl and boy, we're attacking the humans, EATING them. Arianys and I chose not to go home but to find a safe place knowing our home isn't safe. So we ran dodging those, things, until we got to an abandoned warehouse. We called our parent like 10 times till my mom answered. "Honey, everyone is dead. Arianys' parents too. I'm sorry I can't help you. Just know I love you. Arianys parents told me to tell this to Arianys. Tell her her parents love her, and would never stop. Sarah, I love you. Don't you ever forget that." My mom said this through the phone. "Mom please don't leave me." I said. "Sarah be stro-AHHHHHH!!!" My mom said till the line was cut. We now know our parents were dead. There was a TV here so we turned on the news. It wasn't just happening here. It was around the world. They also referred to those 'things' as Zombies. Arianys and I looked at each other knowing we are on our own. "We would protect and care for each other. Right?" Arianys said but said 'right' with a worry tone. "Yeah we still have each other." I said with a smile. She smiled back. We then looked outside, seeing the chaos happened, and knowing one thing. Our lives would never be the same again.

This was indeed, THE BEGINNING OF THE END.

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