Not What It Looks Like

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A.N.~ I have been having a writers block these days and my friend helped me come up with ideas. So hope you enjoy.
Third POV:
Once the turtles came out of the shadows, the girls were speechless Before they can say anything, since the turtles looked hurt but they didn't wanted to hurt their feelings, all of them started to hear groaning. They all looked to the entrance of the alley to see a lot of zombies blocking the exit. The turtles took only half a second to react. While Donnie and Raph were fighting the zombies, Leo grabbed and carried Sarah and Mikey grabbed and carried Arianys. After they got the girls, the turtle started going to the roof. When up there, it turns out

There was no zombies and it was all a dream. The end😊😊😊

Kidding. Turn out there were zombies up there too. So the turtles, with the girls being carried, started running and jumping through the roofs. Sarah noticed they were close to there "home" so they she told the turtles to go in the direction. When the turtles Leo and Mikey let Sarah and Arianys to the ground so they can unlock the door. They did and they let the turtle in too, just because zombies were coming. Arianys went to get some food and water for the as Sarah went to lock the doors ( fence and door of warehouse). After that, everyone was gathered around in the girls' make shift living room and finally introduced themselves.

Sarah: Thanks for helping us and saving us.
Arianys: Again.
Mikey: No prob and what are your names.
Arianys: Oh I'm Arianys.
Sarah: I'm Sarah. And what are your names and also what are you? Not to be rude or any thing but umm.
Arianys: Its just your not human and yeah.
Leo: I'm Leonardo but please call me Leo.
Raph: Yeah, he's only called that if he's in trouble.
Leo: RAPH!!!
Raph: As you heard of fearless here, I'm Raphael. But don't ever call me that, just Raph.
Donnie: I'm Donatello but you can call me Donnie, Don, or D.
Sarah: Probably gonna stock with Donnie.
Arianys: Same.
Mikey: Is it finally my turn? Finally. Well I'm Michaelangelo, for short Mikey.
Arianys: Well it's nice to meet you.
Sarah: Same.
Donnie: So our appearance doesn't frighten you.
Sarah and Arianys: No

The turtles were happy with that response and over the next 2 weeks, they all became good friends. But their story is far from over. It's just the beginning.

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