Life in the Worst Populated City~ Turtles

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A lot has happened after the attack. Now in there "new home" the turtles and Master Splinter had to protect it. Three months after the zombies were know, while in battle Splinter was bitten and turned protecting his sons. Ever single turtle were devastated but had to keep living, for him and for their friends that are long gone. Every turtle has changed. All were now bounded with sadness, Mikey especially. Leo would mostly meditate and has isolated himself from others. Donnie wouldn't stop working, he was struggling to find a cure. Raph just wanted to kill all the zombies and his anger issue, well lets just say you don't want him angry. Now we are in the same day they met Sarah and Arianys in the morning.

Third POV:
It was a morning like any other. If you consider zombies trying to break in a warehouse with 4 mutant turtles. The turtle did make that place there home, somehow. They are now awake, Raph is busting zombie heads, Donnie is still trying to find a cure (but is doing a bad job at it), Leo is alone, and Mikey is making breakfast. Mikey soon then notice something.

Mikey: Dudes umm we ran out of food.
Leo: Okay then let's go find some.
Raph: Finally, got a reason to kill some of those monsters.
Donnie: I'll go. ONLY to get more medication.
Leo: Okay, then let's go.

All the turtles left to go the grocery store (yes the food there is still good after a year past) and then went to CVS Pharmacy (the same one Sarah and Arianys). There they saw two girls.

Mikey: Finally we made it...
The others: SSHHH
Mikey: What?
Leo: There are humans.
Donnie: Survivors.
Raph: Well they're leaving. Can we can this over with.
Leo: Yeah come on looks like those girls clear the store for us.

The got the supplies Donnie need and left. While on there way they saw a lot of zombies trying to get into an alley. They decided to check it out and it was that the girls they saw in CVS Pharmacy. The saw they wanted to see what will happen but the zombies had the upper hand so they went down to help. Also it was dark so the girls couldn't see that they were mutant turtles. After they finished the zombies off. One of the girls spoke to them.

Girl 1: Thank you thank you thank you. If it wasn't for you we would have definitely be zombie chow.
Girl 2: Yeah thanks. How about you come to the light so we can see you.
Leo: I don't think we can do that.
Girl 1: Why not?
Mikey: Trust is dudette. You wouldn't want to see us.
Girl 2: Why would looks matter now? We are literally in a zombie apocalypse and you just saved us. So why would it matter?

Now the brothers are talking to each other.

Donnie: She's got a point.
Raph: What and we'll be friends with them when they see us, they can throw us right to them.
Leo: Well we won't know if we don't try.

They are now talking to the girls.

Leo: Okay will you promise not to scream/run/throw us to the zombies.
The girls: I promise

The turtles walked to the light and saw the girls reaction. Now they think this was a bad idea.

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