Just a Typical Day

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Third POV:
Well what a normal day. The sun is out, the zombies are out, and Sarah and Arianys are raiding a different pharmacy since CVS has only unnecessary things now. Basically that whole place is useless to any survivor. If there are more. For what the friends know, it is just them and the turtles of course. But yeah zombies around, mutant turtles about and the girls raiding a pharmacy. Yeah what a normal day.
In the pharmacy Sarah and Arianys are looking for what they need to bring back to their "home". It all was good until they found out that they didn't think about what if the food expired. They did learn that the turtles are regular food but since some weren't available now, they went back to eating whatever they were eating before they went to the surface and discovered pizza. So, they already have that yet the girls don't. Arianys then thought of something.

Arianys: Hey Sarah, you know that food is running out right?
Sarah: Of course I do. I really don't know what we are going to do when all the food expires.
Arianys: Well I have an idea. I remember at least two years ago, my parents and I went to Governors Island. While looking around I believe I saw a farm we could use. The good thing is that it's not that far.
Sarah: A farm will be a good way to finally have fresh food, however, I don't know if there is a way there. You said it was an island so we would need boats and I don't think any of them are working. Also, we don't know if there are any zombies or humans.
Arianys: I know and I understand the risk, but, it could be worth the shot. We can do this now instead of later. Unless you want to wait until the food runs out. It will be worth the risk.
Sarah: Alright. Maybe we could also get the boys to help us. They do still have the shellraiser and maybe Donnie can help us find a way to the island.
Arianys: Brilliant.

The girls finally left the pharmacy, with little food but a decent amount of weapons, and went back "home". When they got there it looks like the turtles were there waiting for them. The girls told them of there plan and they all agreed. To be honest the boys were getting tired of eating whatever they were eating and will prefer almost anything else. Everyone decided to all stay together for the night since they have a long day ahead of them. So they planned that first thing tomorrow they will get the shellraiser and go to Governors Island ferry and look around that area for any way to get to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2019 ⏰

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